Ding Dong the Enemy's dead!

I'm with you Mary!!! The weather is surely the culprit!! All this freezing weather just makes you want to snuggle up with the hot toddies and choccies!
Yes I spoke too soon about that!! Finished off 2 de-icers myself this morning :( and still had to scrape!!

I'm with you Mary!!! The weather is surely the culprit!! All this freezing weather just makes you want to snuggle up with the hot toddies and choccies!

Talking about blankets, my friend in work has given me a lovely crocheted blanket tonight, it was originally for Maisey, but I think I will keep it for myself :D

Edit - There was NOOOO mention of blankets - where did I get that from?

Yes I spoke too soon about that!! Finished off 2 de-icers myself this morning :( and still had to scrape!!

Worse to come this coming weekend - just hope I can make the works party this Friday - starts Midday!!!
Food today.

2 slices of wholemeal bread toasted, butter, 2 poached eggs. Maisey had about a quarter of this though!
Pork chop, 2 small roast potatoes, 2 small boiled potatoes, cabbage, brocolli. Low fat yogurt.
Brought to work
2 wholemeal rolls spread with butter, chicken breast and cucumber. orange. 1 packet of plain crisps. Melon slices.
Food looking great Mary. How is Maisey doing now?xxx
She's probably very cold Tan - as her mother has stolen her blanket! ;) :giggle: xx
Mary, hope you get to your party!!
Ours is on Fri night too and everyone is worried we will have snow, ice etc etc. Fingers crossed it will be o.k. for us both!
Food looking great Mary. How is Maisey doing now?xxx

Hrmmmm, food WAS looking quite good, but I have an edit.
Omitted the supper of rolls with chicken, replaced with a chicken boona (sp) and rice from Asda with Nan bread!
Maisey is doing grand Tanya, proper spoiled little Princess. Its hard to think what it was like before she came to us now.

She's probably very cold Tan - as her mother has stolen her blanket! ;) :giggle: xx

:giggle:Well she DOES have her OWN fur coat :giggle:

Mary, hope you get to your party!!
Ours is on Fri night too and everyone is worried we will have snow, ice etc etc. Fingers crossed it will be o.k. for us both!

Yeah, fingers crossed for us both then for Friday. Really looking forward to it too.
Well I will hold my hands up and confess that I have NOT kept my promise - sorry girlies.

Food today.
2 slices of WM bread with 3 fish fingers.
2 and a half cookies.
Small roll with chicken and cucumber.

Tonight in work - sharing a curry and rice with onion bahjees with my colleagues.

I know, its awful this build up to Xmas.........all for one bl00dy day!
:doh: Mary! LOL
Still, food aint looking that bad :)

You should all move here to Plymouth, no chance of snow ever ruining xmas parties, getting to work etc :giggle: x
Looks like none of us made that resolution for today happen :eek: .... Weeeeeeeee---ll tomorrow's another day! xx
Looks like none of us made that resolution for today happen :eek: .... Weeeeeeeee---ll tomorrow's another day! xx

Hey mrs! I have :p :p Brownie points for Tanya!!! :rotflmao: xxx
Oooooooo sorreeeeeeeeee ;):p .......... ***hangs head in embarrassment*** ... I had in my head you bemoaning 'having to watch everything' moreso than the fact you DIDN'T succumb .... SORRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :eek: xxx
hahaha tis ok, i will let you off!!!! :p
Tell ya what, it's flippin ard not to scoff my face with the chocolate hob nobs in the cupboard right now!
Dont do it girl.

Phew....glad it wasnt just me that let us down...........cheers Jan, what a mate.

..............scurries over to Jans to see what she has eaten!
LOL! What ARE we like :8855: xx
And the winner is ......................................


................................................................ ????????????????
TANYA!!!!!!!! :D:D