Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Evening all!!!

Well today has been a bit rubbish!

Poor Vicki has been having problems with her car, saying it doesn't feel right, so luckily we managed to get our mechanic round this morning to look at it. He confirmed that one of her shock absorbers was on it's way out (but you have to replace both of them :eek:) and the tyre on the same side also needed replacing. But thankfully Mike (yes his name IS Mike and he's a mechanic lol) said he'd sort it all out for her today, which he did, but she's nearly £400 out of pocket bless her.

Gwyn and I decided to pop to B&Q to have a look at the granite work tops. One of the assistants came over to talk to us, and it turns out you can't just buy a granite work top...you have to buy a new kitchen too!!! You CAN buy the cheaper work tops separately, but not granite, so that was the end of that! But we did see a nice barbecue that had been reduced so we're going to go back tomorrow as it's pensioners 10% day! As we were leaving, another assistant came over to talk to us and he was a lovely old boy. When we said we were coming back tomorrow he said "if we're still here!" and went on to say that they were clearing the car park of all trollies and anything that could be used as a missile, and closing up early as there were concerns there could be rioting! Shocking! The thieving toe-rags had better not nick my new barbie...there was only 3 left when we came away!!!

When we got home we couldn't get in the garage as ex hubby had dropped off an exercise machine I'm borrowing for a while as he's decorating and it's in the way. Well I've never seen anything like it before...it's great fun! You sort of pull with your arms and push with your legs at the same time, and the seat moves up and down! I really need to watch the video on it first before I use it properly! I'll put a photo on, not of me using it though!!!

Walking in we found Vicki cooking the BIGGEST chocolate cake I've ever seen in my life! :eek: Oh it smelt sooo good! :drool: Not to be out done, I made a roulade (again...but with total 2% instead of quark) and also a bacon, onion and cheese frittata for tea...yummy!!!

Now I'm waiting for TBL USA to start. I might have to have a little go on the machine of torture upstairs while I'm waiting...

I'm going to post my food now, and also re post some photos which haven't come out very well on here.

Todays Food red

28g bran flakes (part B)
250ml ss milk (A)

ryvita (rest of B)
tinned salmon
small salad


bacon, onion & cheese frittata (A)
strawberries & ff vanilla yoghurt

Ooh...just realised I haven't had any syns today! That's never happened to me before lol! So I'll probably have an Alpen bar with my coffee tonight...

Alpen bar (3)

Total syns:- 3


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Gosh - that exercise bike looks interesting :S

And your poor daughter! Thats rubbish, I need new tyres for my car so it passes its MOT, popped into Qwik Fit for a quote for two new tyres and they said 150quid! Am definitely not going there. Think they were trying to rip me off as I'm female!! Hope her car is all sorted now though! :)

Mmmm and the chocolate cake :drool:

Hope your B+Q is okay, and your bbq is still there tomorrow!

The frittata looks yummy x x you never fail to give me great ideas for the week ahead x x thanks skinnydawn x x

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Gender:Female Origin:Japanese Meaning:Loved One

Of course you already knew all of that but the odd, passing male visitor might not:D

Gender:Female Origin:Japanese Meaning:Loved One

Of course you already knew all of that but the odd, passing male visitor might not:D

Erm...yes...of course I knew that :whistle: but thank you for reminding me ;)

Gender:Female Origin:Japanese Meaning:Loved One

Of course you already knew all of that but the odd, passing male visitor might not:D
Not strictly true!

It is actually SUzuKI - old Japanese town and famous motor vehicle manufacturer.

Suki is a localised variation - it's translation means "someone stole two letters and now I'm only fit for use as a name of a pet"

Or so I read anyway;)


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Not strictly true!

It is actually SUzuKI - old Japanese town and famous motor vehicle manufacturer.

Suki is a localised variation - it's translation means "someone stole two letters and now I'm only fit for use as a name of a pet"

Or so I read anyway;)

Well Stevie boy ... :flirt2:

try as I might ... :4635:

I can't come back with anything wittier than that ... :mad:

So I'm just gonna say ...

PMSL!!! :8855:
2 lots of chocolate cake pictures in one day Bex and ours halos havent slipped yet well done us!!!

Well done on not having any Dawn, that loss in in your sights now for thursday :D
Oh I hope so Shenzi xx

Coming to see you now...
Ill get the kettle on for ya :) lol
Dawnie, thank god I don't like chocholate cake !!!! That all I can say.

Now help me here. What's the difference between a Spanish Tortilla and a frittata please? Is a frittata just an Italian versiion of the Tortilla?

Worktops. You MUST be able to buy granite ones somwhere as the people who bought out house replaced just the worktop. To be fair it wasn't pure granite - it was Silestone, but that's only a brand name for quartz. If you want I can ask them if they got it from a chain or somewhere more specialist!
Not strictly true!

It is actually SUzuKI - old Japanese town and famous motor vehicle manufacturer.

Suki is a localised variation - it's translation means "someone stole two letters and now I'm only fit for use as a name of a pet"

Or so I read anyway;)

It is obvious that from the last sentence of the above load of spherical objects, male ones of course, proves that reading is not your high point.
On the other hand fiction is :D
Pommette said:
Dawnie, thank god I don't like chocholate cake !!!! That all I can say.

Now help me here. What's the difference between a Spanish Tortilla and a frittata please? Is a frittata just an Italian versiion of the Tortilla?

Worktops. You MUST be able to buy granite ones somwhere as the people who bought out house replaced just the worktop. To be fair it wasn't pure granite - it was Silestone, but that's only a brand name for quartz. If you want I can ask them if they got it from a chain or somewhere more specialist!


Absolutey no idea if there's a difference! I thought the exact same thing when I was looking at recipes yesterday! And then hubby said they were just thick omelettes anyway!

I was surprised about the granite too. I'll have a look at that website you posted...I was on my phone last night and couldn't really see it very well. Thankyou for putting it on xx

Absolutey no idea if there's a difference! I thought the exact same thing when I was looking at recipes yesterday! And then hubby said they were just thick omelettes anyway!

Now don't say that to a French chef! They would tell you that the whole point of an omelette is that the filling shoud go on TOP of the egg and then be folded onto the plate to serve - an individual one per person.

But a Spanish chef would say that a tortilla is most definitey for sharing. Thick, with the filling mixed into the eggs and served unfolded for a least 4 people!