Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

Morning Dawn,
Have a great time off work with Suki, if you can get her off Gwyn, that is!;)
As regards dogs and living rooms, I have a rather large box, that Bertie's 15kg bag of Kibble was delivered in on Monday, that Kate has painted a huge 'B' on, and it is apparently his Penn & Teller Magic Box for tricks!.....I know, don't ask:eek:
Morning Lynne,

Ooh maybe I need one of these magic boxes too lol!

Do u think if I put a squeaking, chewing, biting, poohing, weeing, manic tornado ball of fluff IN the box...I might get a quiet, calm, houstrained object closely resembling our puppy OUT of it lol! Xx
Morning Lynne,

Ooh maybe I need one of these magic boxes too lol!

Do u think if I put a squeaking, chewing, biting, poohing, weeing, manic tornado ball of fluff IN the box...I might get a quiet, calm, houstrained object closely resembling our puppy OUT of it lol! Xx

I doubt it, but it's worth a try!:8855:
My dogs have toys everywhere too. If I'm not falling over the dogs I'm falling over the toys.

Their favourite toy is a great big cuddly dog toy that they like dragging around and they also..... actually I won't tell you what else they do with it. Let's just say it's very embarrassing when visitors are here :eek:
tillymax said:
My dogs have toys everywhere too. If I'm not falling over the dogs I'm falling over the toys.

Their favourite toy is a great big cuddly dog toy that they like dragging around and they also..... actually I won't tell you what else they do with it. Let's just say it's very embarrassing when visitors are here :eek:

Lol! My nans dog used to do the same thing with cushions, or your leg, or anything really!
My dogs have toys everywhere too. If I'm not falling over the dogs I'm falling over the toys.

Their favourite toy is a great big cuddly dog toy that they like dragging around and they also..... actually I won't tell you what else they do with it. Let's just say it's very embarrassing when visitors are here :eek:
I had a cat that did that on one of the soft toys ..
Morning Lynne,

Ooh maybe I need one of these magic boxes too lol!

Do u think if I put a squeaking, chewing, biting, poohing, weeing, manic tornado ball of fluff IN the box...I might get a quiet, calm, houstrained object closely resembling our puppy OUT of it lol! Xx

:8855: I remember this well lol Carla then did crocodile snapping, then Mummy gave her 1 min time out every single time and she quickly learnt humans don't do biting :8855: Charlie used to call the vax our 'wee machine' can't imagine why :8855: have fun :D xxxxx
skinnydawn said:
Morning Lynne,

Ooh maybe I need one of these magic boxes too lol!

Do u think if I put a squeaking, chewing, biting, poohing, weeing, manic tornado ball of fluff IN the box...I might get a quiet, calm, houstrained object closely resembling our puppy OUT of it lol! Xx


no !!!! :p

Good luck for tonight.

Gail x

Sent from my iPhone
When we got the girls at 8 months old, totally litter trained but un-house trained we bought them lots of kitty toys. They dutifully sniffed them once and then proceeded to ignore them. They shredded the end of the settee every night after we'd gone to bed but Flo's favourite place was in amongst our cuddly toys. Nelson the lion and Eric the bear

Pommette said:
When we got the girls at 8 months old, totally litter trained but un-house trained we bought them lots of kitty toys. They dutifully sniffed them once and then proceeded to ignore them. They shredded the end of the settee every night after we'd gone to bed but Flo's favourite place was in amongst our cuddly toys. Nelson the lion and Eric the bear

Awwwwwww. Love the photo :D

Gail x

Sent from my iPhone
Hi guys x

Well who would have thought such a small pup could take up so much time lol!

We had such a lovely day yesterday. Spent the morning playing with and tidying up after our new little girl, don't know who was more tired tbh! Then madam had a quick bath and we set off with Daddy to visit an elderly chap from church and his daughter. They'd fallen in love with Suki on Sunday and asked us to bring her round yesterday. Suki was on her very best behavior and cuddled both of them before falling asleep on the carpet. Suki also met their 2 cats, but not for long as no sooner had she waddled over to them they hissed at her and ran away lol!

And then of course we had to get back in time for wi. Andrew took me in his car and we met Frances there (no Nattymo this week).

And...I lost 1.5lbs taking me to exactly 11st :) So, if I lose next week I'll be in the tens woo woo!!!

Andrew lost 1/2lb which he was pleased with as he's had 2 big drinking nights out.

And Frances put a bit on which was expected as she was away on holiday last week.

And we won the raffle too!

And when I went to take a seat, a lady commented on how well I'd done and said I was an inspiration! Me!! She said I proved the diet worked and she was going to really knuckle down and start losing! So that was a lovely boost...made me blush actually.

While we were at group, Frances noticed a leaflet about success express, so our c explained it to the class and Frances and I are going to give it a go.

So I'll just put yesterdays food on here then I'm off to mow the front lawn while suki is asleep!

Thursdays Food Green

28g bran flakes (part B)
250ml SS milk (A)

Ryvita (rest of B)
Salmon (6)
Salad cream (2)

Jacket spud
Butter (2)
Cheese (A)
Salad cream (2)
Hi fi bar (B)

Total syns:- 12
Hmmn...didn't work...I'll try again...


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Congratulations dawn! Bet you can't wait to see the 10s next week!

Suki looks like a cuddly toy i have lol so cute! X
Thanks guys! Knowing my luck I'll sts next week!

Suki is gorgeous isn't she! BTW, she does have eyes under all that fur lol! It just needs to grow a bit more then it will start to hang down, away from her eyes! Xx