Dinkie Dawnies Dubious Diary of Downsizing, Deflation, and Debauchery

gl12282 said:
Oooooh, harsh !!!! ;)

Gail x

But deserved!

Honestly sis, if you knew the amount of abuse I've been putting up with tonite from a certain person...I swear I deserve a medal! ;)
gl12282 said:
Hey Dawn,

I'm still up (not for long though - honest !). Trying to look at holidays to book - unfortunately not til next year but will give me something to look forward to (which I need at the moment *sigh*).

Love the photos on your signature. I don't think I'd seen one of you as 'big' as the middle one (it's all relative) but you certainly look very skinny on the 'after' photos :D

Sorry to hear about your crappy day but at least you are finished now until next week - yaaaaay :)

Remember for tomorrow that you are at the bottom of your target range (if your stats are correct) so don't worry too much. And if you start dropping out of your target range (below) then remember my advice !!!!

Big hugs (hope to catch up over the weekend although it's mad busy as usual)

Gail xxxx

Thanks Gail,

That photo was taken on Christmas day and was a real shock to me. It really brought home to me just how big I was...I honestly didn't realise.

Would be really nice to catch up this weekend, but I know how busy you are with work hunni xx. That's why I haven't rung you...seems you've got loads on without me adding to yr hectic day lol! But I miss the chats!

Hope things calm down soon sis xxx
Good morning dawn, good luck for wi in this evening xx
shenzi said:
Good morning dawn, good luck for wi in this evening xx

Thankyou Emma xxx
Morning Dawn - just a quick post & run from me. Almost caught up on the 5 pages that have accumulated since I've been awol.

Also want to say that the new collage is brill - it really shows how much you've lost - especially the one with the big trousers. WOW

Off to do the audit I've been doing since the end of June! So have a good day chica and sorry about the crappy one.

((( Hugs )))
PS Thanks for your nice comments on my diary. Lets just hope the light at the end of the tunnel isn't an oncoming train !!!! :eek: :8855:
Hahaha! Love it Bev!

And thanks for that xx I'm going to keep those big jeans as a reminder xx

Don't u work too hard now, lots of luv x
Good luck for WI Dawn, despite the two takeaways, I am sure that you will still be well within your Target range xxx
Hey Dawn,

I'm still up (not for long though - honest !). Trying to look at holidays to book - unfortunately not til next year but will give me something to look forward to (which I need at the moment *sigh*).

Love the photos on your signature. I don't think I'd seen one of you as 'big' as the middle one (it's all relative) but you certainly look very skinny on the 'after' photos :D

Sorry to hear about your crappy day but at least you are finished now until next week - yaaaaay :)

Remember for tomorrow that you are at the bottom of your target range (if your stats are correct) so don't worry too much. And if you start dropping out of your target range (below) then remember my advice !!!!

Big hugs (hope to catch up over the weekend although it's mad busy as usual)

Gail xxxx

Trick photography, it's all the rage these days:cool:

But deserved!

Honestly sis, if you knew the amount of abuse I've been putting up with tonite from a certain person...I swear I deserve a medal! ;)

I've told you not to listen to Sarah.....though it might have been that Lynne, Lou, or even dark-horse Penny.

You ignore them pet, as your weight is coming down nicely. in 6 months, you'll be near target, trust me:p

Trick photography, it's all the rage these days:cool:

I've told you not to listen to Sarah.....though it might have been that Lynne, Lou, or even dark-horse Penny.

You ignore them pet, as your weight is coming down nicely. in 6 months, you'll be near target, trust me:p


Oh dear, Stirrer Steve :eek:

Jealousy is such an unattractive quality in a man...:sigh:

If you want me to give you a few tips hunni you only have to ask...;)
Evening minis!!! :wavey:

I have good and bad news about wi tonight!

The good news is that I lost 1.5lbs taking me down to 10st 3.5lbs which is incredibly low for me! :happy036: And it moves me even further away from your clutches Steve! :winner:

The bad news is that I've just dropped below target...but I can cope with bad news like that lol! :giggle:

So I seriously have to think about reducing my target to 10st now as this is the closest I've ever come to it in decades. It's a bit of a dream of mine to reach it, but until now that's all it's been...just a dream. I think I could do it now. Might take a while, and I might only be there for a week, but at least I could say I'd done it! I know it's daft and that another 3.5lbs off what I weigh atm won't make a blind bit of difference to how I look or what clothes I wear...however it would make a big difference to how I feel in my head. Even if I then go back up again and settle around 10.2 :confused:

Anyhow, let's see what happens next week as I may well bounce back up into target range again! :8855:

The rest of my day has been pretty ordinary to be honest. Did loads of housework today as the place always gets in a mess when I'm at work :sigh: and then we did quite a big Tesco shop :eek: And that's about it really. Gwyn's at table tennis, Dans at footie practise, Vickis staying with Matt and Andrews off to work in a minute. Suki is fast asleep on the hearth. She's still in my bad books from this morning :rolleyes: I was enjoying a nice cuppa :coffee: in bed when she jumped up and sank her teeth into my...erm...well...part of my chest! :eek: Let's just say I'm counting my blessings that I've still got two of them!!! :rolleyes:

I'm sitting here with a huge glass of wine watching the great british bake off masterclass...ooh those cakes look good :drool:
Hi Dawn

Sorry not been around lately but I'm back with a vengance now!

Get you below target - must be an awful feeling :8855:

Will have a good catch up with all the diaries over the next night or two.

Hope you are all well

Much love and hugs to you
