Disgruntled newbie

Amy c

New Member
Hello everyone,
I started SW for the first time on March 28th. Had my first weigh in yesterday after a week religiously sticking to the plan and GAINED 1.5lbs taking me over 13st for first time I'm my life. To say I'm furious is an understatement. Feels like I've now given myself extra work to do for next week. All the other newbies in my group lost weight. Don't know what else I can do if I'm sticking to it. If I don't lose next week I want to give it up as I joined to drop 1.5st not gain it. Wasn't time of the month either.
Sorry my first post is negative I'm just very despondent now.
Thanks for any help/encouragement.
Hey, I feel the same! I gained 1lb is week (first week) am going to re read my book just to make sure I'm definitely on plan. Did you do a food diary? xx