Do I do total again???????


I'm just wanting people's opinions on what to do.

I did total for 4 months at the beginning of the year and lost 4 1/2 stone. Since stopping I've gradually put 2 stone back on again so it's time for exante again.

what works for you? do I do total, working or simple

plus any advise for not putting weight back on again
Well done on your 1st weight loss! One things for sure u can do total IF u want to. If ur in no hurry to lose the two stone why not try the simple solution, not as strict but your still going to lose and it will teach u control over a longer period of time.

Hope that helps!
I'm impatient so I'm going total Sean, although I can see the attraction to having some proper food. I say go with what works for you. First week on TS is awful (which is why I didn't inflict myself on you lot, although I was lurking for inspiration, LOL). :wave_cry: After that it's fine though, you'll remember this from before. I don't do the eating alongside shakes as it only reminds me what I'm missing!

As to not regaining, it's gotta be low carb - I maintained a 3.5st weight loss for 2 years while not even thinking that much about it. If Atkins isn't your bag, Dukan or even the low GI diets might be best for you. And the good thing about a VLCD is that you have lots of time to research what to do when you go off it!
Hey Sean, interesting question. Personally, I found starting off with Total Solution easier because it meant total food abstinence and getting yourself into the frame of mind, you do have the momentum to see it through for a few weeks. And when you then feel like you want to have food, switch to working or even simple solution. But I imagine it would be harder to go to Total if you have been on working or simple and want to boost your weight loss. Just a bee's opinion ;)