Do you find Atkins expensive?

Principessa N

Minimins Addict
Do you find all the meat expensive? We currently live of frozen freezer stuff because hubbs is convinced its cheaper (and he's fussy) and the only way i can do any diet is by buying my own food but i only have a spare £20 a week and i'm not sure if i could manage a weeks worth of atkins friendly food on that.
I don't eat veggies except cucumber and maybe a few salad leaves and coleslaw. Anyone managing on a budget?
Jude, I'm not sure what you mean by frozen freezer stuff? I live alone & find it is no dearer buying Atkins 'approved' food than the food I used to eat. I buy the cheaper - fatter types of meat like chicken thighs & belly pork. I no longer buy cakes, biscuits or bread. Pound sterling for pound sterling it's cheaper because the food is more filling & satisfying. Really all I am cutting out is sugars and flour based rubbish. Most of what is left is healthy eating at a reasonable cost. :)
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Anyone doing Atkins really needs to like - or to get to like - green leafy vegetables! They are a vital part of the plan. Salad leaves etc. alone don't provide sufficient nutrition.

I agree that freezer food is perfectly acceptable on Atkins. As are cheaper cuts of meat. It's surprising how much we spend on junk, pre-Atkins.

If you do decide to give Induction a go, good luck!
there are 3 of us in this house, and we all do atkins, i find the shopping cost much the same as it used to, because we are not buying a whole group of foods.

however, i think if only one person is doing it, and you still have bread etc to buy for the other members, your costs will be higher, but not excessively so.
but unless you wish to eat 'speciality' foods like atkins bars, the only 'extra' things to buy are maybe some flax, and lots of eggs! the rest of the food is pretty much what we used to eat anyway, the snacks have changed more than the meals.