Do you use ketosticks at home?


Full Member
I was considering buying some of these today to keep an eye on my progress. CDC didn't mention them or the testing at all and don't know if can buy them from her? Bad breath has arrived with a vengeance this am so pretty good sign am in ketosis but would like to know!
Also, has anyone else been told it is ok to drink the 'Zero' diet drinks. :confused: The CD website said something about diet drinks being ok but when I spoke to my CDC she said only the Zero ones which do not contain citric acid so Dr Pepper and summerfruits. She also said to limit them to once or twice a week. On LL we weren't allowed any of these so it would be nice to find out they are ok and would make social life a touch easier but obviously don't want to jeopardise progress in any way and can just stick to water flavours!

Your CDC may well sell Ketostix, but you can also get them from places like Boots. I think they are handy to have, particularly for self reassurance. Although once you are in ketosis (and it certainly sounds like you are), they have probably served their purpose.

Some people like to keep a check on their ketone levels to use it as an indictor or how well they are hydrated, although if you are drinking the water, that is not really necessary.

Good Luck
Morning Natpot, some peeps use ketostix but if you are Ssing and u know u r sticking to the plan 100% and drinking all your water then they are not really needed as u have the dodgy breath and u know ketosis has arrived LOL

Concerning the drinks your cdc is rght Dr pepper do do a couple of flavours that dont have citric acid but if you really must have a odd drink then pls wait untill u r completely in established ketosis and keep them to a minimum.
Some peeps have said that having these drinks have started them off with cravings and some peeps drink them on a regular basis, its is different with everyone.
I myself have had them and had no problems at all.
Hope this has helped you,well done for getting back into ketosis.
Take care and have a good day xx
Thanks so much for both of your replies. Will get some ketosticks as you say Brad they will be a good reassurance that actually am in ketosis. Will follow your advice Roch and wait for a week or so before indulging in the occasional Dr P.
Hope you both have a good day!
I bought some ketostix off ebay for bout £3.50, although I stuck to the diet it just help me see that i was actually losing weight and that my body could prove that too me so understand your contemplation on buying them.
Thanks Mizzy, I guess I just want to know that my body is a fat-burning machine lol!
How are you getting on, are you doing SS?
Great question :eek: and one I shall have a chat with my brilliant CDC about tomorrow evening!:D I would LOVE to have a fizzy diet drink again, but not gonna until I'm abso-bloomin-lutely sure.;) Cheers for asking and the very best of luck on your journey! :D

As for the "p"sticks (as I lovingly call them..:eek: ) I took a pic of mine on day 4 just to be sure! :eek: :D Not taken any more since and fast getting through day 6!

I have done one again today :eek: - but as someone else said.. I think once you are in ketosis and know you've been 100% true to it then they aren't necessary (but I think now and again I might - just to reassure myself! );)

Looking forward to journeying alongside you! :D

All the best!:D
Hi Jenny, well done on getting to day 6 - is your WI tomorrow (mine is weds morning which will only be 5/6 days)?

As you say I can see little reason to keep testing with the p sticks unless cheated but it was good to check it out earlier - I am officially in ketosis! Am hoping this means I can have some bars this week.;)

So glad to have found the support of folks on here, will def be a lifeline in times of crisis! Here's to enjoying the journey together and making the most of every minute!:D :eek:
Hi Jenny, well done on getting to day 6 - is your WI tomorrow (mine is weds morning which will only be 5/6 days)?

So glad to have found the support of folks on here, will def be a lifeline in times of crisis! Here's to enjoying the journey together and making the most of every minute!:D :eek:

Hiya Nat

Agree totally with the comment about support - there are some truly inspiring and supportive people on here :D

yep - tomorrow night is my first weigh in!:D I've had bars from day 1 - I was warned it might stop ketosis at the start but it doesn't seem to have :eek: ;) and for the first time in my life I am looking forward to being weighed!!:eek: :D ;)

I'm keeping a diary :rolleyes: (in the weight loss diary thread) and will post my weight loss in there as soon as I get back tomorrow night :p :D and can't wait to start moving that ticker marker along!:D :D

Good luck for Wednesday morning!:D I'll be calling back to see how you're doin... that's something I think is really nice on here... others are genuinely interested and encouraging! Wonderful place. So glad my CDC (the lovely AKB) told me about it!:D

oh... if you want some "p" sticks lemme know and I'll do what my CDC did for me,... give you a few of mine! :D Just until you get chance to get some of your own...:)
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I love using the ketostix and they really do work I cheated last week and went straight back to neutral. Had three good days again now so hoping for a positive test tomorrow. I learnt from a previous post to chop all my stix in half vertically and they work perfectly well thinner and then you get double.

Good Luck all!

Dizzy x
hiya, day nine for me on the 790 plan. Now about ketosis.. im losing weight however im not tired or have bad breath (is this due to water intake) but mouth does feel furry especially the back of my teeth and back molars plus I am cold..but so is everybody else!!! Im having trouble getting the sticks and when i did ask about price, i was pretty miffed at it! Can afford to fork out any more money....can anyone tell me, could I be in ketosis?
Hi all....first post. Am on day 4 now. Had the dodgy breath from day one (hmmmm downside of drinking so much water for me!?!). My CDC gave me 2 sticks, the first of which I have just used. However I can't work out the results at all, and can't find anywhere online that explains all the colours etc. Anyone know where I can find this info? :confused:
Hi all....first post. Am on day 4 now. Had the dodgy breath from day one (hmmmm downside of drinking so much water for me!?!). My CDC gave me 2 sticks, the first of which I have just used. However I can't work out the results at all, and can't find anywhere online that explains all the colours etc. Anyone know where I can find this info? :confused:

Please ignore my post - have just found the ketosis sticky up above :eek:
I have bought some keto sticks but haven't used one yet. I'm on day 3- maybe tomorrow I'll be in ketosis? I think it takes a day or 2 to show up! ;)