Does anyone else feel like this on LT?


Gold Member
First off.....I love LT and am staying on it.

But this is my second time on tfr and am feeling ......jittery, emotional, irritable, like I'm not coping with everyday stuff, feeling very stressed. (making myself sound like I am about to have a breakdown there:eek:)

Now I don't mean I have them all, all the time. BUt I am home with a young baby and have been LOVING it to date and now I feel like I am getting frustrated when the baby is crying or won't sleep at night. I have a shorter fuse or tollerance level.....actually that is probably the better way to describe it. Also VERY hard to motivate myself to do things.

I remember feeling a lot of this the last time too but was working then and it just kept me busy.

I am wondering if being on TFR can effect hormones like adrenaline? Does anyone else feel this way? Am I going potty? I am hoping I only have another 3-5 weeks on TFR and so will stick it either way. But just wondering.
Hey hon it could be a mixture of the two, TFR is a big change and i can get a bit hormonal and feel a bit grumpy some days because of it but also your a new mum and that takes some getting used to just take things easy and were here for you no matter what xx
Sara I have also found myself supersensitive and snappy at times since starting LT. I haven't actually investigated it further but I definitely think it is linked to totm.

Hang in there babe and enjoy your little angel. Being a new parent is bound to be an anxious time of readjustment so don't beat yourself up about it.

Good luck hun.

Thanks girls! Was more curious than anything.....would love to think there is physical reason I am being grumpy rather than just being grumpy if you know what I mean!

Last night on the 15th "put soother back in mouth" run at 1.45am I felt myself really losing my patience.......but when I got there she was delighted to see me and was all "Hi mom I'm UP!" with cutie smiles......I felt such a cow.....heart melted of course.

So today ......I am conscious (sp) of it and taking deep breaths.
I actually feel more relaxed and good tempered (and I'm not usually), I put it down to the fact that I normally eat so much sugar and other crap that my blood sugar is on a rollercoaster and my poor liver is working overtime.

It's early days so I could be wrong...

I also read once that 'fat' in food and on our bodies kind of protects us from feelings, lose the fat, feel the feelings. This could be bs, but it's always stayed with me.
I've definitely got more snappy and shouty, hubby says its worse than my pmt! cheeky sod!!!
But it comes and goes, yesterday I was fine all day, today, had to go out with the kids to get some more school trousers, and I definately felt super stressed out, getting sarcastic and grumpy and basically being a right b*tch.
me too, zero tolerance level, i think we may be reacting to every day stuff more because we are not eating it away like usual. i mean i used to just eat something if i felt a bit off, and that was like every day, but knowing i cant now, make me notice my emotions more.

they have settled more as time as gone on, but i am a lot more reactive now.

keith called me 3amp the other day, he said it cause i have a short fuse!

cheeky monkey!