Last night we were told not to bother going in. Already loads of accidents as drivers going too fast and all buses cancelled. Meant to go to London this afternoon but no point risking it as it has started snowing there too and expecting 2-3 inches. Stayed in bed longer which has done me a world of good. Just doing some washing, tidying up and relaxing.
Finally my daughters school has seen sense and she's on her way home... we live on a main road and its slow going on it so it must be heavier snow than it looks raod usually stays clear unless it's over night snow, just hope the buses are okay it an all or nothing route at tyhe best of times.. no buses or 4 at once crappy considering its a every 8 min timetable..

Raven hope the funeral goes as well as it can do ... take care in this weather...

Laura I make rice pudding like this,

boil plain rice in water and sweetner , then I add some hex milk once it's cooked, nutmeg and if you've got the syns a tiny knob of butter or spread, then bake it in the oven. Once cooked if I have enough syns I add a tsp of smooth Jam and stir it through... You could try adding a few drops of vanilla and see how that tastes...
Hey ladies, STS for me, thank god! Been doing lovely SW meals for every meal (since Sunday... Saturday was quite the off plan binge!) but had at least a bar of choc everyday, most days 2.. So pretty happy, totm is just about finished so think I can handle no sugar again, I'm going cold turkey as I think I have to with chocolate as the more I have the more I want! SOOO all systems go, we booked a long weekend in Amsterdam for my birthday present May Day bank hol so this is my target date. 1.5lb a week that means so now I have a goal I should stick to plan. Going to do EE properly for a week and see how I do, then a week of green and red just to experiment a bit more as I've always been a bit all over the place with my meals and what day I'm doing. Soooo excited for my lil hol, times in with me finishing 2nd year at Uni too so nice little ending treat :)

Hope u all are ok? And have nice weekend plans?? Xx
There's a thread about chinese in eating out. Really helpful.

Thanks, had a nosey but nothing about this so I think I will just say 3syns for the oil & have some boiled rice to accompany!!
Oooh nice charl and a target to aim for always good for motivation

Finally little one has learnt how to knit so of course now she's bored and wants me to finish her dolls scarf...

Hubs on his way back only, 80 miles away so heaven knows when he'll get back now, his site has closed so I hope he can get the car back out as its parked at the bottom of a steep slope.. arghh
Quick post as I am back at the hospital! Mum this time, she fell & broke her ankle while putting out the rubbish! Just about to leave it`s been snowing for a couple of hours but nothing like as bad as some places. Got to get two buses which isn`t much fun. It`s normally a good service so fingers crossed it should be ok.

Got to pop into Boots before I get the second bus as it`s wi day!! eek!!

Think I`ll do some crochet when I get home. I`ll update later!!
Thanks, had a nosey but nothing about this so I think I will just say 3syns for the oil & have some boiled rice to accompany!!

I would definitely estimate more than 3 syns for oil! Isn't that dish deep fried? Maybe I'm making that up haha, but either way, I'd say there'd be at least one tbsp oil in the dish, which is 6 syns :) Just to be on the safe side as you don't want to gain/STS just cause of one meal!

Grannie, hope your mum's ok and that you're safe going around on all these buses with the snow!! Never quite learnt to crochet, but love knitting - might have to do some soon actually!

Thanks, Li! Might give your version a go :) x
There is a thread in the recipe section about 2 syn chocolate pudding. Basically you add options hot chocolate sachet to a mug and add an egg, beat it and zap it in the microwave for a few minutes, comes out apparently like a low syn chocolate pud. Might be worth the experiment
Grannie hope your mum is ok and I'm sitting here crocheting a granns square blanket as that's all I've taught myself! Will read my uni homework in a minute though as I need to be good!
For puddings you could do meringue nests with berries and light squirt cream think its about 2.5syns for that xx
Anyone know of any deserts that are low syn? I've found a chocolate mousse which is 6.5 syns per portion which I think is reasonable if I watch what syns I eat throughout the day, just wondered if anyone could think of anything else sweet but relatively low syn?

A meringue nest (2.5 syns), mix frozen fruit with philly (HEXA) & sweetner or Muller if you are not using HEXA.

Ceral bar (3 syns) put in micro for 10 second, flatten and then mix Fromanage fraise or quark or HEXA philly and some option (1- 2 syns) and top up. Sometimes I use a biscuit as the base.
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Quick post as I am back at the hospital! Mum this time, she fell & broke her ankle while putting out the rubbish! Just about to leave it`s been snowing for a couple of hours but nothing like as bad as some places. Got to get two buses which isn`t much fun. It`s normally a good service so fingers crossed it should be ok.

Got to pop into Boots before I get the second bus as it`s wi day!! eek!!

Think I`ll do some crochet when I get home. I`ll update later!!
Sorry to hear about your mum. Are they keeping her in hospital.
There is a thread in the recipe section about 2 syn chocolate pudding. Basically you add options hot chocolate sachet to a mug and add an egg, beat it and zap it in the microwave for a few minutes, comes out apparently like a low syn chocolate pud. Might be worth the experiment
wont that just taste like chocolate scrambled egg? haha
Quick post as I am back at the hospital! Mum this time, she fell & broke her ankle while putting out the rubbish! Just about to leave it`s been snowing for a couple of hours but nothing like as bad as some places. Got to get two buses which isn`t much fun. It`s normally a good service so fingers crossed it should be ok.

Got to pop into Boots before I get the second bus as it`s wi day!! eek!!

Think I`ll do some crochet when I get home. I`ll update later!!

Aww sounds like a hell of a day, hope your mom is on the mend soon, crochet sounds good I want to teach myself to do more than a square.. lidl are doing the crochet kits Monday btw..

good luck with the WI hun x
Choccie pud sounds nice but you're right it may taste like scrambled eggs.. wonder how a chocolate egg custard would come out? might try a chocolate bread and butter pudding and see how that comes out, no fruit obviously or butter, just hex for bread and milk and syns for options
Its def to cold to be on a diet brrr... nice hot free soup but a salad with it is just wrong with snow on the ground :D
I think it's the snow...

Hubs about 3 miles from home now the last bit is taking longer than the previous 75 miles :rolleyes: