Have found a recipe i really want to try - cheese scones - but the recipe only says "300g chive and onion cottage cheese" but doesnt say if it has to be fat free or not? I'm assuming it does? I cant find cottage cheese on the HexA listing, is this because the fat free one is 'free'? x
It is the fat free one you're supposed to use - in morrisons they have it and it says something like less than 1% fat, but it is fat free and free on SW :) I've made them before and they're nice! :)
It is the fat free one you're supposed to use - in morrisons they have it and it says something like less than 1% fat, but it is fat free and free on SW :) I've made them before and they're nice! :)

Ooh thanks, i'll get the OH to take me shopping there next week. I havent got one near me, nearest is Eastwood or Hadleigh :'(
Red days are the best, although they are low on carbs they are heaven if like me you adore cheese and ryvita, and porridge etc for breakfast or the odd "Naughty" cheese toastie and still be on plan. You soon get used to not having carbs with every meal, swede and carrot mash is a great substitute for mash potato, you can still have pasta and potato (with skin on) too with meals too if you count hex's..

Charl keep meaning to try celeriac, do you think you could make chips with it? as I'm not a lover of pumpkins and squash although I do eat them from time to time so I'm looking for something other than potatoes to use at quick meal times to make chips... esp if on an EE day...
I don't see why you couldn't, I wouldn't bother par boiling it tho as its more watery than potato x
Charl keep meaning to try celeriac, do you think you could make chips with it? as I'm not a lover of pumpkins and squash although I do eat them from time to time so I'm looking for something other than potatoes to use at quick meal times to make chips... esp if on an EE day...

Yes you can make chips with them. I used it a few times and then went off them as they smell too strong.
Arggh what is it with our goals, my weight is not shifting at all...

ok I've had a few minor indiscretions but nothing to stop weight loss (Ive done worse in the past) and it's looking like I've gained 2lb again this week... blummin holiday weight gain is just not shifting....

and on Tuesday I threw down the gauntlet of weight loss with my friend and told him there was no way HE was going to loose more weight than me , only to find out he's already lost the 10lb pound which he'd had problems shifting before he started SW....B******

Strange thing is he misunderstood the plan and is basically eating just hex's and anything else he eats he is synning at less than 15 syns per day, he doesn't get hungry and is still loosing

Right off to find a
Ah god, I'm feeling really horrible about gaining, I've been so relaxed this week and I feel huge again. It's so weird how can I have lost 2 and a half stone and still feel the same :(

I'm sick of feeling like this about how I look its so depressing, and the clothes I usually wear don't feel right anymore but I'm not happy enough with my stomach to wear tight clothes. This sucks.

I now have new resolve to get as close as possible to target by Xmas day. No more cheating, no more relaxing on the rules all I've been doing since Thailand is bouncing around the same 4lbs. So that's it!! And I'm gonna start exercising properly again, my stomach is so much worse since I haven't been doing my core and ab stuff. :( boohoo. I'm feeling self conscious and sad this evening. Xx
Oh charl, I'm sorry you're feeling so rubbish. No-one can be on plan 100% of the time and even after a few weeks, as long as you return it's fine. Life is just so busy for you with kids and uni so thinking about syns, red or green, can I/can't I eat is actually exhausting! But you are focused and know where you want to be so you can find your place back on sw. I didn't realise how tough it would be getting closer to goal, you'd think it would spur you on but the thoughts of 'i've done so well' keep coming and I head for all things naughty! As for lack of exercise, I am totally with you. I think the cold weather doesn't help at all, I just want to curl on a sofa!

Just remember how far you've come and you were the one that did that, no-one else. If you want to wear tighter tops, do it and be proud, why don't you get a tight vest to go under tops to 'flatten' the belly, that's what I do!!

Big hugs my lovely x x

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yeah thats a good idea, I really want a tummy tuck, i'm pretty sure the muscle has split from my c section, as theres a kinda gap in the centre. So i think no matter how hard I work for it, my stomach will never be nice, although I've read they won't do one if you're planning more children, but after I'm done having kids I'm just going to do it. its the only part of me I really don't like, it really gets me down. Feeling a bit better today after checking my weights again this morning and after a day back on plan the scales already dropped 0.8lbs. Going to the amazing burger pub today, but I'm going to try and just have something sensible, and bf is making tuna steaks and mango salsa for dinner, so thats on plan too :) tomorrow I'm back on it properly until xmas eve, I will get this last stone shifted.

You're right jen, I thought I'd be really pro-active and just want to get there, but i'm like 70% happier with my weight, so I'm kinda getting lazy, if I hadn't messed around the last 2 months I could already be at target! waaa! Thats annoying!

thanks love. xxxx
tonianne said:
I could quite happily give up carbs! To be honest this week i've not had carbs a lunch and when i've had them on my plate at dinner i've either not finished them or really not fancied them at all.
If you wouldnt mind jotting down some ideas i'd be really grateful. I'll message you my email address :) thanks for your help.

Cottage pie with carrot and swede mash instead of potato.
Charl, tuna steaks and mango salsa actually sounds amazing! I'm very jealous :) I think the best thing to do is put the last two months behind you - it's all fair enough to think that if you had been on plan properly that you might be at target now, but you weren't - there's no point beating yourself up about it because it's happened now! :) Just learn from it and how you feel now. I think you have a good idea on how to make inspiring foods (as does your boyfriend by the sounds of the meals you're always telling us he makes!) so you just need to rediscover that and all those foods you can enjoy guilt-free :)

I basically need to do the same! Saying that, though, I might try the whole calorie counting thing again, just as a last ditch attempt to give myself some more treats whilst still eating well. I already know it's not a good idea, but it's better than what I've been doing! Today's good eating (forgetting the chips and hash browns - such SHAME! - I had for breakfast) will start with my yummy jambalaya! :D

I've just been looking through my new slow cooker book and the meals actually look amazing and not too difficult to tweak for SW! :D Watch this space for some slow cooker experiments :p xx
Oh hellatrix children can be awful at times and they can say some really hurtful things. I think your right to take it higher, they can't get away with talking to you like that!

It's horrible when you feel like that, and hard to stay professional I guess, children can often get away with saying things that grown ups wouldn't without repercussions, but don't let one childish negative get you down as I'm sure you've already had some really positive comments about your losses already so focus on them and not that 1 negative. :)

Hellatrix - i'd definitely go to the Head about it, the child shouldnt be able to get away with it especially not when its made you feel so low.

Sorry this is so late!

Mm, I'm still reluctant to go to the head but still weighing it up (excuse the pun). It's made me put more energy into the following days though :) I've discovered and am now loving this pump it up thing I've got, it's the first exercise I've done that's not rendered me bored AND I like the music they work out to. I'm just focussing on *my* progress now, not the comments. Speaking of which, have finally uploaded some progress photos to my blog (starting picture is HORRIFIC) which I'm going to link in my signature when I work out how to...

I've done Pump it up 3 times this week now, gonna do it once more tomorrow (pulled muscles earlier and by the time I felt better it was too late) and hope to God that I lose on monday!! Ahh! I've also moved in this winter table into my living room (in spain they have these tables which have a heater underneath, so you put the tablecloth over your legs once it's heated up and it's SO TOASTY) and it has a detachable transparent glass pane on it SO I'm going to make a collage of positive stuff/pictures etc to put under that glass so that I have that to look at to spur me on!

charl - I really should focus on the positives, you're right! I read in slimming world actually that for every 1 negative thing you find yourself, you should find 3 that are good, a 3:1 ratio - it's psychologically good for you apparently. Should really apply that to myself.

Regarding the kid...I don't know. I might see if it changes next week, I can see myself walking out of class from annoyance if it happens again though.

Edit: blog link is now in my signature :) Updated as often as I can, but I'll probably plug it while posting about my progress in here or something :)
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I love baked sweet potato with really spicy chilli. :)

Feeling even worse yesterday and today, the boys are being such hard work, so hyper and not listening to anything I say, fighting loads and generally being little twerps, treating the house like a giant bouncy castle and winding the dog up constantly so she's Nipping them then they get upset. I was so emotionally tired yesterday from trying to keep calm and be patient that I went to bed at half 9 only to then have the bf have a go at me as he was sat on his own (he'd been in bed all day apart from 3 hours where we had to go and meet HIS mum for lunch, where the boys were awful too, then went back to bed as soon as we got home til they went to bed.) so I lost it and had a mini breakdown, he was no help at all, hasn't been today either, just went to bed when I got up, dog not walked again. I told him yday how horrible the day was and he didn't even ask me if I was ok, let alone ask me if I would like anything, even a cuppa and a hug would have helped, but no i just got told I need to stop self pitying myself. Absolute knob. We haven't really spoken since last night when he said that as it was probs the last thing I wanted to hear, I just wanted for once to not have to do everything and maybe just have someone make me feel a bit better, as the twins can make things feel like its all a bit much at times. I don't have any friends with kids who would understand, as all my friends are still in house shares and still go out and do what they want all the time. So I feel a bit lonely sometimes and bf doesn't get it at all, probably as he isn't really responsible for anything and never has been, he lives with us but its by no means equal, I can't remember the last time he cooked. Or asked me if I wanted anything, whereas all I get is 'I'm hungry' or 'wash this' or 'go get me a drink'

Starting to feel a bit like I'm somewhere I've been before (boys dad) and its making me miserable. My best friend was home from Norway this weekend and I really miss my friends, I don't even feel like I can ask him to look after the boys so I could have gone out and let off some steam.

Sorry everyone, I know I'm complaining I just don't really have anywhere to vent or anyone to vent too, and I know a lot of u have kids so might understand a bit more.

Hope you're all having a good weekend. I'm going to the beach to try and chill myself out and let the kids blow off some steam

Yeah I agree with the above post, I'd be worried about how his actions may influence the kids. Have you spoken to him directly about it, just asking to give you a hand now and then? Sometimes guys need to be told, cos it's obvious to say, but we are way more sensitive, sometimes they just need to be told.

Then again I am basing this on my broken experiences and not a fiancee, and have never lived with a boyfriend so...

I hope you feel better soon, getting out to the beach will let you escape, I imagine that will help :) lots of hugs. xxx
It's annoying as I get depression and stuff, and I can always feel when I'm getting bad, but even so it's times like that a partner should kinda go easy on you. It's not like he does nothing, he does, he just puts himself before everyone else, whereas I always put everyone else before me and I start to resent it after a while, ESP the days when the boys are being difficult. It's hard as the boys aren't his so he won't discipline them, he complain about their behaviour to me, which makes me feel worse. It's my house, and I let him live here so I kinda think he should have a bit more respect for that. It's hard as he works 6 nights a week, so he does get tired, but then again u can't just expect someone else to look after u.

Spoke to my ma and I feel better she said when I have times like this I should just ring her and she'll take the boys as they're so much better for them. We always have periods like this where the boys are brilliant for months then they seem to go insane for a few weeks and just be so difficult, then snap out of it.

It's more them that I'm struggling with than bf, but he just hasn't helped how I'm feeling. He's still asleep, bit anxious for what it's going to be like when he gets up.

Beach was canny, and my ma made us a nice lunch. So feeling a bit better to vent to her, she doesn't really know how I do it, she said she couldn't be in a relationship where one of you worked constant nights, would be too hard.

Bf does compliment me loads, and he loves me, he just doesn't get how to deal with women at all.

Oh Charl :( My boyfriend is the same, i do everything for him and to be quite frank he's a lazy little b*****d! I put up with so much and then one day i just blow up...then he starts to help and i'll come home to a spotless kitchen or a tidy lounge. I don't mind doing these things, i love cooking and its easier if i sort the washing etc, but it'd be nice if people gave us a break. I think you need to tell him exactly how you feel, it could be make or break but you cant carry on with the strain of everything. I'm glad you've got your mum as a support and you should definitely take her up on her offer of having your boys for you to give you a bit of time off. Good luck with the boyfriend, i think you're right that sometimes they just dont 'get' women! xxx