I know it says mugshots are free but they really aren't very good to eat, I really question SW sometimes with these kinda things. Best of making a portion of brown pasta with some veg than a mugshot, see if that makes any diff maybe?

I haven't been eating properly at all the last week, having meals all over the place and skipping loads too, which is stupid, but I'm just not hungry, and sleeping loads. So I keep sleeping through meal times. I had no food in today so had to get a wrap from the shop at 2pm and that's the first thing I ate. Off plan tonight as we got a 2 dine for a tenner m&s thing and a seafood platter we need to eat up. Yum!

How are you feeling after your op love?

Well done on the gym Laura :) xx
Oooh I love those M&S meal deals but whenever I get there clutching my gift card in my hand the offer has always finished, I hope it's s till in date it's 4 years old but the guy on the checkout insists they last forever.. hmm I'm not so sure.

Getting there thanks Charl but I think I overdid it today I was just going to do the school run and a small walk to Lidl for salad but today was the only day hubs could drop me in town to pay the visa bill so I had to walk home..... I'll rest tonight after dinner and Mom and Dad are hopefully coming tomorrow to push the vacuum round for me, but usually I end up waiting on then so I'll se what happens.

I get totally what you mean about some of the world free foods pasta in high in carbs but they are free as a snack aswell as a meal if you drink mugshots all day but you can't have a cuppa soup... I know it's food combining but it does seem odd... I just tend to use them as a quick lunch fix on EE days if I've nothing else to eat tbh
Evening all, first day over and my head hurts! Information overload, bit scary but will hopefully be ok. After wearing uniforms for 9years, is quite bizarre wearing smart clothes, am sure the novelty will wear off!!

I have 100% been OFF plan for a while. I just have so much on, planning food is last on the agenda. Am cc tho so hopefully won't be too bad. I've got my 10k run on sun, very nervous! I will get back on it, I know you girls will kick me proper into shape! :)

Hope you're all well. Take it easy Li!! Well done on 100% Laura, go you. Hope you are doing ok :)

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Thanks for the advice guys. He has nig shots at work as he has very limited kitchen facilities. I think he has 2 each shift. It is difficult for him as he works shifts and most nights doesn't get his dinner til nearly 11pm. I tend to eat earlier with the children as I just can't eat that late (unless its a kebab) lol
I have worked out that I want to lose 28 pounds to fit into my dress for a ladies festival and I have 14 weeks to lose it. That is just 2 pounds a week. I know with the support of you guys I can do this. Just taken the boys for their weekly swimming lesson and swam 20 lengths myself. Hoping to do that as many weeks as I can. Might even try the dreaded shred again. I am feeling very focused at the moment.

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Good day 100% on plan today. Red day, fruit & natural yogurt for breakfast, spag Bol sauce & salad for lunch then I've just polished off a huge salmon stir fry for dinner. Yum yum :)

Icurez2002 I'm sure you'll be able to reach that target :) 2lbs a week is do-able. I've lost 20lbs in ten weeks with 4 more weeks to go to lose 7.5lb more so fingers crossed for us both.

Jen - first days are so overwhelming, don't panic about being off plan for the minute, let yourself settle back into a routine. Since you're calorie counting you're keeping an eye on what you eat anyway which is better than nothing :)

Ultrabluedress - take it easy hun, you don't want to overdo things and set yourself back


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Thanks ladies hug

Jen you'll soon get into the swing of things jobwise, I'd stick to CC until after the race, no point adding any extra stress onto yourself before you compete

Toni thats fab 20lb in 10 weeks it took me 7 months to loose that amount, I swear this post hol gain is just refusing to move, I'll stick with the plan until Christmas, I've not got too much planned socialwise so shouldn't be too hard, then after that I'm not worrying until the new year

Icurez you'll shed that weight in no time glad you are feeling focused

Made a yummy carbonara tonight even though I'm not that bigger fan of it, stuffed fresh garlic between two slices of hex bread Over did the anount and thats all I can taste now.... yikes

Right nighty night all
Toni that is a fab loss and you have really inspired me. Thank you for all your words of encouragement today. Had a really good day in plan today. Only thing I'm not sure about is the cuppa soup I had for lunch. Having a very hot and spicy low fat chilli for dinner with rice, broccoli and cauliflower. Will brush my teeth after eating as I find I don't want to eat once I have brushed them x

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Ooh Jen, bet it feels good to have got the first day over and done with? Other than all the mind-boggling info, are you liking it so far?

Have to hang my head in shame and say that after only a day and a half on plan, I came undone! Mum stopped at the chippy on the way home, I just couldn't resist :( Then it was a Krispy Kreme donut! Ooh god, I actually can't believe I couldn't last two days... Feeling sorry for myself :(

Toni, seriously well done on your loss! You seem very motivated and are doing very well! I should take a leaf out of your book ;D

Li, seriously made me laugh with the garlic bread thing and your status :p Apparently it's enough just to cut a clove in half and rub the cut side on the bread?? I've never made my own, but that sounds like it wouldn't be overpowering :)

Well done on the losses ladies :) x
I so need to stay strong today. I didn't get time for lunch and I know that is fatal for me as by the time I get home from picking the boys up from school I will be really hungry and cheat. Nothing quick and healthy in as my shopping doesn't get delivered until this evening :'(

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Hope you stay strong until dinner!

I spent 3 and a half hours cleaning my flat today, decided it actually was filthy and needed doing before Christmas. Worked up a nice little sweat and I really ache now with that alongside shred! Boxercise tomorrow night, eek!
Due to the cleaning I didn't eat anything until about 1pm and even then I just had HEX B Alpen Light. Tonight's dinner is pasta bake with home made meatballs. HEX A cheese on top mmm and may syn some garlic bread to treat myself!

Iceland have Ben and Jerrys on offer, resisting that was the hardest thing I've done in a while! Pleased with myself for doing it though.

Hope you've all had a good day x

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He he glad I can't walk to Iceland and back without the ice cream melting, sometimes walking everywhere has its advantages ;)

Feeling a little jaded today, four days in on SE and I'm enjoying the diet don't get me wrong, I love the idea I can have a mix of green and red and be restricted with the portions as opposed to eating what you want on EE so you can have some definate control and I'm not hungry inbetween so not snacking but I'm down over my lack of weight loss since August... my Mom weighed in at mine and she's lost two stone, all she has done is switch to lowfat foods, swapped sugar for sweetener and she still eats fruit loaf etc in moderation as she's diabetic, whereas I have stuck to diet, always eaten lowfat and sugar and I'm getting nowhere fast grrrr....I just don't get it, I eat less, exercise more and I'm over two stone heavier...

Oh well better check on the lasagnes cal and I made SE lasagne for myself, pepper one for hubs and pasta one for the kids... they're having chips and I'm having salad leaves even though I'm not actually that hungry, think I'll skip the garlic bread tonight
Icurez, you can do it! Just think how successful and amazing you'll feel waiting till you have some proper, comforting SW foods and exercising your willpower than you would if you gave in and cheated! Fingers crossed for you!

Tonianne, well done on skipping the Ben and Jerry's :p I do love a bit of that! What's your favourite? Mine has to be either baked alaska or choc fudge brownie... Mmmm!!

Li, you must be cooking like a maniac doing three different kinds of lasagne haha! What do you use as your 'white sauce'? I'm very reluctant to try a SW recipe until someone says it's good!

Had a good day today... Mostly! Working very hard at my work experience, and I think it's paying off :) All I am getting is positive feedback and lovely comments, it's all good! :D Looking forward to my advent choc in a bit once my dinner's gone down! x
Thanks Laura. I did pick a little whilst cooking but it was vegetables so will let myself off for that. Boys had big chocolate doughnuts as a treat tonight and I left them alone. Really am feeling naughty tonight so I might end up eating one of my advent chocolates. Not had one yet as I have tried to be as good as possible.

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Laura I just use what I used to do before SW, it's just a lazy lasagne I saw on a cookery programme once...

Standard Bolognesise sauce then place in a dish, then you add blobs of either fromage fraise or ricotta cheese on top of the meat add your pasta in layers as usual until you have as many layers as you want then top with cheese. I just add a cheese triangle if using fromage frais. If you dont want to use pasta you can use either roasted pepper or spinach, or leek leaves like the hairy bikers do....
Oooh, ok sounds good :) Thank you! I have been craving it a lot, so it'll be a good thing to try out :)
Laura I love half baked mmmm and there was a cheesecake one they did but i haven't seen it in a while - thankfully!

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