Yep Jen - Sweet potato is free on Green and EE :)

Had chicken korma and rice for lunch! Was surpirsed at how much I got for 6 syns (was using this as my main treat for the day as there was some left in the fridge from a takeaway and I couldn't stop obsessing over it) 135g which turned out to be a lot when it was all plated up :) Yum!

Still not sure what I'm going to do for dinner... We don't have much in the house and can't buy anything else atm as we're a bit skint haha! Going to get creative ;D
Hi everyone,

I have started SW from home today. I previously did it quite a few years ago.

I am following green and red days as this is what I did back along.

I am trying to plan my week of food roughly, so that I am organised.

Is it really important to use all HE and syns? For example, today I won't have used any syns... I am assuming the answer will be that we are supposed to. I'm not sure what to eat as I am happy using as many free foods as possible!
Not such a good day for me to restart sw it's the anniversary of my dads death. although i got up with good intentions had my porridge which was a hex made with water and some fruit. drank lots of water had a mugshot and more fruit for lunch as wasn't that hungry and ive just sat down with a cup of coffee and 3 shortbread biscuits. i feel so ashamed of myself now after all the good intentions i had.maybe its best not to go fully back on plan until all the christmas goodies are gone:mad:

:( sorry to hear about your Dad, i lost my mum last June so i know how you're feeling. Dont beat yourself up about today, carry on, dust yourself off and remember tomorrow is another day xx
I've occasionally split my Hex's and havent noticed it affecting my weight loss, but again i think thats different for everyone. I'm not a big milk fan, i'll have it on my cereal but only enough to make the cereal soggy & then i'll leave the rest. Am much more of a cheese fiend though!
I split my hex's too like today I was going to have one slice of bread and two ryvita, defrosted the bread and the slice was all wet so ended up that I'll now be usuing my hex as ryvita but I've never had problems splitting my hex, xometimes you just want a it of everything

Sarah the Hex's are there to make sure you get fibre and calcium and nutrients, the syns stop you feeling like your'e missing out, plus if you don't use them you will have nothing to cut back on if your weightloss slows, use and enjoy them ;)
Hi everyone,

I have started SW from home today. I previously did it quite a few years ago.

I am following green and red days as this is what I did back along.

I am trying to plan my week of food roughly, so that I am organised.

Is it really important to use all HE and syns? For example, today I won't have used any syns... I am assuming the answer will be that we are supposed to. I'm not sure what to eat as I am happy using as many free foods as possible!

You definitely need to eat your Hex's as they give you specific nutrients that you need, i.e fibre and calcium. You need to have your syns too, read some of the previous comments from today as we've just been discussing it :) some people use them daily, others flexisyn - it depends what works for you. Either way you need to be having them.
:( sorry to hear about your Dad, i lost my mum last June so i know how you're feeling. Dont beat yourself up about today, carry on, dust yourself off and remember tomorrow is another day xx

Aww hun sorry to hear this, be strong and spend the day focussing on yourself, no point beating yourself up over like Toni said.. Just syn the biscuits hun it can't be much over 15 syns then have less Tomorrow and Wednesday...
@ Laura I just saw the weight loss in your sig :) That's insane :)) You must be at your goal now are you ?
Jenny 4 st in a year is inspirational! I'll keep splitting and if I can do even half of what you have I'll be thrilled :) Ruth x
@ Laura I just saw the weight loss in your sig :) That's insane :)) You must be at your goal now are you ?

Aw thanks Li! My target was 11st, so yeah I got there! But I felt I still wasn't happy so I have lowered my target to 10st, but my main goals now will be getting fit! Going to the gym more often etc :)

I split my Hex all the time too! Half olive oil and an alpen light, half milk, half cheese! :) Works for me!

Guys, I have to share this with you as it look so amazing - basically syn free boursin/soft cheese!! defo trying it out when I've got some yoghurt in :D
Hi everyone,

I have started SW from home today. I previously did it quite a few years ago.

I am following green and red days as this is what I did back along.

I am trying to plan my week of food roughly, so that I am organised.

Is it really important to use all HE and syns? For example, today I won't have used any syns... I am assuming the answer will be that we are supposed to. I'm not sure what to eat as I am happy using as many free foods as possible!

You don't have to use your syns on 'bad' things like chocolate, crisps, alcohol etc. Maybe try using them on things like bigger portions of hex or sauces and condiments to add to a meal. I'm cutting back on sweets etc just now so am using my syns in this way. I still have 15 a day!

Hex are important to get your dairy and fibre in, so make sure you're having those especially if you're doing red and green days. You'll need them even more to keep your diet balanced.
Jenny 4 st in a year is inspirational! I'll keep splitting and if I can do even half of what you have I'll be thrilled :) Ruth x

Arrrr thanks hun. I forget how far I've come sometimes! I was 2lbs away from my target and 4 stone before christmas, then gained a little from all the lovely food around lol but I will get to 11 stone and then my next target is 10 stone by the summer. I will then be happy! It really is do-able, sw and running for me all the way. I might even buy a bikini for June and just be proud of me stretch marks :)))

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Jenny I'm on my way to 11 stone too. When on SW previously that was my target and I managed to get down to 11.2 but never quite made it and got really fed up. This time I'm aiming bigger or is it smaller lol I'd love to get to 10 but not sure if its possible. Weighed 11.13 this morning so less than 2 stone to go :) Ruth x
I never thought I'd get to 12 stone so to reach 11 stone was surreal. I'm gonna try my hardest to get to
10 stone. Used to be 16-18, 20 at my biggest. Am now wearing 10-12 tops and 12-14 bottoms. I want to be 10-12 bottom or at least a comfortable 12 in jeans. Then I'll work hard to maintain. I know it's going to slow down now but will hopefully happen. I feel so much fitter now which is fantastic, esp with 2 young boys!

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Love sw, lush tea of red snapper and a huge salad, ww choc brownie for pud at 4.5 syns. Full and happy :)

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I split hex's loads, and do mainly weekly SYNS as it works better for me, (when I am actually on plan properly anyway! But then I also cal count with SW so my plan goes off a bit sometimes!

So many new people I can't keep up! Hello! Welcome xx
Have re-tried the rice pudding recipe this evening and after a little tweak it was much nicer! Put 1 cup of pudding rice in a pan with 5 sweeteners then poured over 3 cups of boiling water. Allowed to simmer gently while covered over the lowest heat possible until almost all the water was absorbed. This took about 18 mins. Left to cool a little then added 2 raspberry shape delight yogurts (no vanilla left) It was a much nicer consistency from leaving a tiny amount of water in and went pink with the yogurt so a winner all round. I think you could add any flavour yogurt you like too :) Ruth x
I didn't think u were allowed to split hex? I drink a kot of coffee trying to ween more herbal tea into diet.
Lots of people on here now, it's January!

Never tried the rice pudding, might give it a go. Is pudding rice free?

Hex's are all about getting the right amount of fibre and calcium, so why wouldn't you be able to split them? As long as you're having the right quantity, surely it's fine. I have always had success doing it so will stick with it!

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Same same, I like having some milk for tea but the rest in cheese :) xx