It certainly makes you appreciate food. I joined slimming world before tried the ee and green days and before the week was up I was gaining weight rapidly. So I quit class and then tried loads of other diets. So just sticking to red days for me now which I dont mind.

I did 5 weeks on slim and save.

I went from 13.5 to 11.13 but it started to get me down as I was craving healthy food and fruit.

Plus the last stone and a bit seems hard. Everyone was on my case to eat food and that id lost enough weight. Bf hates me losing weight said size 12-14 is perfect and not to any lower. But I used to be 8-10 so ill keep going until target.

Plus by me eating hes not on my case as he knows how I struggle to lose weight.

I did slim and save too, I did 3 weeks plus a week of refeed and lost 18lbs so I'm just thinking if I do it again for 3 weeks I'll be at target, it's just so hard to resist a quick fix as I can maintain on SW but find losing so hard! X
Hi Jamcar slims and save is a very low calorie diet plan

Afternoon all hope you're all having a good afternoon..

SE day again for me, really pleased with myself yesterday really craved wine all day, then argued with hubs out of nowhere and over nothing, was sooo tempted to buy some wine as I had to go to the chippy for daughter and the outdoor is next door... but yay I didn't give in

Whhho had olives with salad and ham lunch I didn't trealise they were so low in syns well yummy and feel very decadant sitting nibbling on them...

quick read thorugh to see what youladies are up to haha

Sammie who are you off to see tonight?

I don't realy like arena food, I tend to have a diet coke and thats it if it's anything like the NIA you have to queue for ever to actually get anything and if it's between bands you run the risk of missing whoever it is you're going to see anyway.... Have fun

See you later ladies school run them daughters paper round to organise then dinner etc
It certainly makes you appreciate food. I joined slimming world before tried the ee and green days and before the week was up I was gaining weight rapidly. So I quit class and then tried loads of other diets. So just sticking to red days for me now which I dont mind.

I'm the same with EE and SE, tried red days and that when I lost, still do the odd green day if I'm having quorn based for dinner and Ilove cous cous etc doing a few SE days which are basically EE but a different ratio of free and superfree and you get 2 hex's which I love, don;t loose tons on it but I enjoy having the EE mix still, can have 2 hex's if I want them and do loose a little still.
No I shouldn't really do one now, I just really really wanna hit target for Glasto, who knows maybe if I start the shred again it'll do some good! X
Once your uni work is done hun, you'll get back into the swing of things. Get some swimming and shred and you'll soon see the lbs come off xxx
We've got really similar stats (or rather starting weights and height!) you've lost way more weight than me.. Well done, thats amazing!

Jen you're right, its more my shape, I just wish my tummy would go down, although just 1 day of red and I feel so much less bloated its amazing like! Felt absolutely huge when I was in Amsterdam, all the beers and foods made me swell up loads, yuck! xx
I'm the same I enjoyed s&s as it taught me about true hunger and eating for the sake of it, but I really missed fruit, was so good when I had some again!

Wow you've come so far already, that's a huge achievement, you and your kids must be very proud.

Yep red days are the only ones that really work, well mixing up mainly red with some EE. Hopefully after this weekend on plan I'll lose some of the Amsterdam bloat.

Have a happy Friday everyone, just making SW curry now, no rice for me tho. Just Indian salad and a chappati :)

Uni work later, exciting times for me! X
I was missing fruit and veg so much just healthy stuf. I. It wasnt worth making myself unhappy for just 1.5s stone

It will take me ages on slimming world but as long as i get there.

Yes we have about the same to lose so can keep each other going :)

Enjoy that uni work it will keep you away from the cupboards :)

Im going to buy some scan bran atholland and barratt tomorrow and make the cake :)
Evening ladies, just finished off my curry from last night with some basmati rice and cauliflower and peppers. Whad omelette for lunch with a tonne of mushrooms. Not touched a sweet thing all day :)
Been brought a cake pop though :-/ no idea how many syns are in it though.... Bin or eat?? Hmm

You ladies talking about Vlcd makes me shudder. I did Cambridge twice but as I soon as I stopped having just the shakes and bars and introduced a meal I gained. So I'd come off it and rejoin with someone else. Oops.

Didn't do me any good for the long term... I love my food so sw is perfect :-D

Never never never doing Cambridge again (unless by some miracle I get married and have a dream dress to fit into haha)
Evening girlies!

Trying to take things a day at a time. Planned to have liver n onions for tea. Actually managed to stay away from the chip shop!

The liver was quite nice, feel stuffed now!

Need some ideas for cheap dinners. On an economy drive as we need to pay for our holiday!