Don't you just hate it when....

DYJHIW you're waiting on biopsy results....tick tock, tick, tock
DYJHIW your lovely holiday comes to an end and you have to come back to England. That was bad enough, but today I am back at work. Severe post-holiday blues :(
... when your toothache is so bad that you're even looking forward to the dentist...
DYJHIW you feel pathetic and hormomal and cant decide whether this new car is a good idea, you want it, the price is fine, your car is getting old, you have been talking about a new one for ages! But just want someone to make the decision for you .....humph. Mardy :(
DYJHIW you have a row with your OH and he tells you he doesn't love you, doesn't think he ever will and that he is only with me cos neither of us want to be old and lonely singletons :(

Sent from Jo's iPhone using MiniMins
Welshtigger said:
DYJHIW you have a row with your OH and he tells you he doesn't love you, doesn't think he ever will and that he is only with me cos neither of us want to be old and lonely singletons :(

Sent from Jo's iPhone using MiniMins

Oh my god!! Sending big hugs your way xx
DYJHIW you have a row with your OH and he tells you he doesn't love you, doesn't think he ever will and that he is only with me cos neither of us want to be old and lonely singletons :(

Sent from Jo's iPhone using MiniMins

Wow! Was that said in temper or do you think there's some truth in it?

If he means it then you should let him go. Life's too short to stay somewhere you're not loved and you never know what's waiting around the next corner!

Big hugs x
M Louise H said:
DYJHIW the news was bad and you're now Googling 'Laryngectomy' and voice replacement methods.

Cancer is a b!tch - that's all.

Hey don't give up hope!
My mum diagnosed with Oral Cancer was told her only (slim) chance of survival was to have her tongue removed. She refused, Surgeon got a bit stroppy and left the room.
The team offered alternative treatment and she's still here six years later when the odds were against her.
Surgeons see only one course of action, explore with your team of Drs possible alternatives and then make your decision.

I pray all will be well sorry for the bad news x