Don't you just hate it when....

DYJHIW your OH offers to make you a cuppa and he uses FULL FAT MILK arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh he knows I keep all my sw stuff including my milk in a seperate fridge I suppose I should be grateful he made one lol
Jenna88 said:
DYJHIW you actually have to think about what you're wearing to work...seriously, would it be so awful for teachers to have a uniform?

Make your own, I did at the PO!
I would love to wear the same thing everyday but I'm starting in 1 school for six weeks on Monday. Women NEVER wear the same outfit twice, it's horrific. The male teachers can get away with the same bleeding suit for 20 years...females wear the same outfit twice in a fortnight and it's a crime against fashion! I wish I wasn't so led by people lol!
Jenna88 said:
I would love to wear the same thing everyday but I'm starting in 1 school for six weeks on Monday. Women NEVER wear the same outfit twice, it's horrific. The male teachers can get away with the same bleeding suit for 20 years...females wear the same outfit twice in a fortnight and it's a crime against fashion! I wish I wasn't so led by people lol!

I work in a fairly image conscious industry & even I can get away with the same outfit twice within 2 weeks!
just mix and match, 5 pairs of trousers/skirts and 5 tops/shirts is 25 outfits before repeating one! :)
Jenna88 said:
Ok maybe I exaggerated slightly I obv have to wear the same things sometimes but I'd never wear the same thing twice in a week and I honestly haven't witnessed any other female member if staff doing it either.

Oh god no! Never the same thing in a week! That would NEVER happen.

I do have 2 of certain things though. Like black trousers for example. I also try to make sure that any new work item I buy goes with at least 2 others. So a top needs to go with 2 pairs of trousers/skirts & trousers/skirts need to go with 2 tips!

The other way to do it is buy 2 suits. Buy the trousers & skirt & dress if its available, then buy 2 very different tips to go with each suit, and importantly, go with both suits. You can get away with the jacket twice in a week as long as you alternate.

Also, accessorise differently each day. Get some bright coloured shoes! Maybe not red as you're in a school but purple or green or blue :)
kingleds said:
Oh god no! Never the same thing in a week! That would NEVER happen.

I do have 2 of certain things though. Like black trousers for example. I also try to make sure that any new work item I buy goes with at least 2 others. So a top needs to go with 2 pairs of trousers/skirts & trousers/skirts need to go with 2 tips!

The other way to do it is buy 2 suits. Buy the trousers & skirt & dress if its available, then buy 2 very different tips to go with each suit, and importantly, go with both suits. You can get away with the jacket twice in a week as long as you alternate.

Also, accessorise differently each day. Get some bright coloured shoes! Maybe not red as you're in a school but purple or green or blue :)

Scarves are great too for injecting colour and changing an outfit.
Dyjhiw hubby has caught someone in the process of breaking into next doors shed :(

Luckily he spooked the intruder, and they'd just broken in so didnt get anything, hubs just saw the person turn and run, but thank god.

I hate to think what could have happened had he really disturbed them as they were stood breaking in with a hammer :'(
Grrrrrrrrr I hate thieving scumbags - they would be the first to shout if someone broke into their property. Glad all is ok Mrs S
Dyjhiw hubby has caught someone in the process of breaking into next doors shed :(

Luckily he spooked the intruder, and they'd just broken in so didnt get anything, hubs just saw the person turn and run, but thank god.

I hate to think what could have happened had he really disturbed them as they were stood breaking in with a hammer :'(

Hopefully karma will get the person soon enough!
DYJHIW you are back to work tomorrow and the alarm is set for 6.15am!!? :-(

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