Don't you just hate it when....

.... You drop your mobile phone and it lands with a splash right in th dog water bowl :mad:

Thanks everybody. I whipped it out quick and took it apart to dry out straight away so I'm hopeful it will be ok :)
What a twit I am :eek:

You need to keep it apart and in Rice for48 hours, don't even attempt to switch it on as this causes the damage!

Really? Oh bugger .... I was going to put it back together tonight and try it as it didn't seem that wet when I pulled it apart :sigh:

it could still have hidden moisture hon.

Smallest amount of water will fry it.

Incidentally you should save all the silica gel packets from shoes/bags etc for just this reason!

It appears to have survived :D
It appears to have survived :D

Oh good!

DYJHIW the arthritis in your knee is competing with the Delayed onset muscle soreness for which is the most painful?

DYJHIW your son who is sitting on the other sofa goes upstairs without saying anything, leaving the TV on fripping Hollyoaks, so you have to get up to search for it, meaning more pain *see above* arrrgh
In the freezer???? Lol

I bought them at the same time as doing my weekly shop, so I think I must have just thrown them in there when I was putting the shopping away!!
Oh good!

DYJHIW the arthritis in your knee is competing with the Delayed onset muscle soreness for which is the most painful?

DYJHIW your son who is sitting on the other sofa goes upstairs without saying anything, leaving the TV on fripping Hollyoaks, so you have to get up to search for it, meaning more pain *see above* arrrgh

Cup o' tea Mam?
In the knitting bag. of course. 'cos that makes perfect sense.

and yes, it's *that* cheap I can leave it anywhere.
DYJHIW you can'tfind your Chai bags. you've saved your Hexa for a mug of proper chai, and not being able to find them makes you quite upset!

the relief when I found them (on the wrong shelf, thanks hubby) was immense.
DYJHIW when your comfy in bed and you need to get up for the toilet :(
DYJHIW your daughter has been crying in pain for've tried everything & still won't settle...don't know what's up with her...

She's lying here beside me sobbing now... :-(
:( age and symptoms? could it be migraine? have you called NHS direct?

(I am not a doctor. Not even close. But I am mildly autistic and have an interest in medication, medical symptoms and diagnoses lol.)
Flibsey said:
:( age and symptoms? could it be migraine? have you called NHS direct?

(I am not a doctor. Not even close. But I am mildly autistic and have an interest in medication, medical symptoms and diagnoses lol.)

She's 15mths old...she's just crying, stretching her body if she's tummy pain...gave her calpol...she has also just had a tooth cut through..just thinking its that.

If I can't settle her I'll have to ring them...
big bear said:
She's 15mths old...she's just crying, stretching her body if she's tummy pain...gave her calpol...she has also just had a tooth cut through..just thinking its that.

If I can't settle her I'll have to ring them...

You got any teething powder? That settle teething and bellyache. My little man was like that, he literally sobbed until he had a cuddle! Didn't matter who cuddled him but he wanted some 'loves' as he now says lol x

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She's 15mths old...she's just crying, stretching her body if she's tummy pain...gave her calpol...she has also just had a tooth cut through..just thinking its that.

If I can't settle her I'll have to ring them...

yeah, I'd go for teething pain and/or related tummy upset. have you ever tried baby massage?
in a warm room, strip her off and talc her or put a little oil or baby lotion on your hands. begin by gently rubbing her tummy in a slow, clockwise motion. sing to her too if you want, it honestly does help. it releases oxytocin which is a natural painkiller.

once you've done the tummy, rub the legs in small circles, then grip gently and move the hands up in a soft, twisting motion from thigh to foot. tickle the foot a little if she's into it.

do the tummy again.

do the same for the arms from armpit to hand, then do the tummy again.

hopefully this should at least calm the poor little poppet.
bevhunter1986 said:
You got any teething powder? That settle teething and bellyache. My little man was like that, he literally sobbed until he had a cuddle! Didn't matter who cuddled him but he wanted some 'loves' as he now says lol x

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins

I can't find it anywhere..the Ashton & Parsons, all chemists say they can't get hold of it. It was fab for my son. I've got another powder but doesn't seem to make a difference. I might have to get my sister to send me some from Ireland...

She's fallen asleep now...poor wee .mite....xx
Flibsey said:
yeah, I'd go for teething pain and/or related tummy upset. have you ever tried baby massage?
in a warm room, strip her off and talc her or put a little oil or baby lotion on your hands. begin by gently rubbing her tummy in a slow, clockwise motion. sing to her too if you want, it honestly does help. it releases oxytocin which is a natural painkiller.

once you've done the tummy, rub the legs in small circles, then grip gently and move the hands up in a soft, twisting motion from thigh to foot. tickle the foot a little if she's into it.

do the tummy again.

do the same for the arms from armpit to hand, then do the tummy again.

hopefully this should at least calm the poor little poppet.

Thanks, I was massaging her wee tummy but wasn't settling her...she's asleep now...fingers crossed it'll be for the night..x
Boots own teething powders make an incredibly good replacement for aston and parson's. if you can get to a boots, pick some up. I found them fantastic for my poppet, and I still buy them for myself for when my wisdom teeth play up lol.
Flibsey said:
Boots own teething powders make an incredibly good replacement for aston and parson's. if you can get to a boots, pick some up. I found them fantastic for my poppet, and I still buy them for myself for when my wisdom teeth play up lol.

Oh I'll get some 2moro...there is a late night boots but as I'm here on my own & son in bed I obviously can't pop out lol

Don't think they'll be strong enough for you lol xx
When due to your hours changing at work you're struggling to get to SW Group anymore so decide to change to online membership instead. Only to be told by SW that it's classed as a completely different membership and even though you log onto LifelineOnline exactly the same as with Group membership and have access to exactly the same things, you will lose your weightloss progress to date as you have to have a brand new account created. How pigging stupid is that?!

Grrr... If it wasn't for the fact I use the syns section, etc, a lot I'd tell them to stuff it and do it at home on my own.