Don't you just hate it when....

When you have thought for weeks that sons appt is this Friday only to realise it was actually today & you've missed it!! :(
You have a dull ache in your back for a while so go for a trip to the chiropractor first visit and he clicks it back into has been worse and have to go back tomorrow....oh the joy!
DYJHIW you have to get up at 2am in order to be at work for a 4am start *yawn*
yesterday you ran a mummy's race at nursery then cleaned your bathrooms & the fridge and have woke up to a sore back & can hardly move
Oh and this is the finished tattoo on hubbie which cost £300 euans tattoo.jpg
Im looking forward to it the rain will not put us off lol and the good thing is the shopping centre were going to is all under 1 roof whoop