Don't you just hate it when....

Dyjhiw Christmas is not the same this year...
Got the awful news yesterday that a close family friend of 25yrs who rob was in army with and is Jacobs godfather died in a car accident on his way home for Xmas :'(

All I can think about is their family, his wife and their little girl who's only a month older than Jacob 2.5yrs....

So merry Christmas everyone, hold them loved ones very close as you just don't know when such a awful thing would happen xxxx

:( bless xxxx

You need a break, even just a couple of hours and you know its not going to happen :cry:
Nooooo think that qualifies for another free night!!!!!!

Would you want it though?? x

I asked at breakfast if there was a problem with heating and got some mumbled response about heating being off cos of a leaky radiator somewhere! It wasn't just our room it was the whole place but we had left our phones at mum's place and couldn't get in touch with anyone to get a heater or anything.

It had already been paid for and not by us so we didn't make a fuss but it was a real shame!