Don't you just hate it when....

MadameLaMinx said:
Touch the bar above the post with the persons name and pic on, a bar should pop up with "Quote" and "Report" and "Share" on.

You is cleva!
But please watch for big fingers. It's amazing how many people report instead of reply lol
DYJHIW you have to wait till tomorrow at 4.30 to put about a million people on you ignore list!
bunnylovesalan said:
People being so dame nasty, no need for it. Treat people as you would like to be treated!!!

So true. Some people are so self obsessed and think the world revolves around them and to hell with how try treat other people.
DYJHIW you think "i know ill make a nice SW cottage pie with carrot and swede top" for tea but when you put the mince in the pan to start cooking it you realise its NOT extra lean its only lean :( and even though you have drained it as your cooking it your not keen on eating it (plus it tastes all greasy) VILE. settled for beans and mushrooms on toast instead (oh but there were no beans in the cupboard.... ffffflippin 'eck) a trip to the shop and a rant later i'm now happy and full of beans, literally! :p lol
DYJHIW you boil the kettle for a nice cup of tea then reach in the box for a tea bag to find you OH has polished them off and put the empty box back in the cupboard! Grrrrr!
Wegle said:
DYJHIW you boil the kettle for a nice cup of tea then reach in the box for a tea bag to find you OH has polished them off and put the empty box back in the cupboard! Grrrrr!

Death Pox and Pestilence on him!!!!!!
MadameLaMinx said:
DYJHIW your cat wont stay still to puke, but instead goes for a walk, puking every first or second step along the way...

When The Minx decides to share the cat vom scenario!!!
MadameLaMinx said:
DYJHIW your cat wont stay still to puke, but instead goes for a walk, puking every first or second step along the way...

I couldn't ever have a cat again for this very reason! Cat vom=ming! Dogs all the way!