Don't you just hate it when....

You fall asleep with your daily contacts in and so when you wake up... You can't get them out for love nor money. Eyes are bordering on sore now and I'm ready to cry :(

Crying may help! Do an eyewash, fill an egg cup with warm water and cup it round your eye tip your head up and open your eye, the extra moisture may help.
MinkyDinky said:
You fall asleep with your daily contacts in and so when you wake up... You can't get them out for love nor money. Eyes are bordering on sore now and I'm ready to cry :(

You need to squirt a load of saline in there if they are soft lenses - just keeping doing it and they will gradually soften up
Learnt this the hard way after peeling them off in a panic - neither the noise or feeling are things you want to experience!
Arctic-BNG said:
Ouch! At least you didn't put in a pair over the top?

Shirleen said:
Crying may help! Do an eyewash, fill an egg cup with warm water and cup it round your eye tip your head up and open your eye, the extra moisture may help.

Purple*Tortoise said:
You need to squirt a load of saline in there if they are soft lenses - just keeping doing it and they will gradually soften up
Learnt this the hard way after peeling them off in a panic - neither the noise or feeling are things you want to experience!

After going through a massive bottle of solution, eye washes and 7 hours of poking my eyes about we may have a conclusion.... We (as in OH and I) *think* I may have actually taken them out last night.
I was incredibly drunk last night so can't actually remember and just assumed I had them in still. Going to see how I get on with my glasses for the rest of the evening and if my eyes become irritated then I'll have to pop into the opticians in the morning and get them to take a look.
How embarrassing!

Thanks for all your help though guys n gals :) xx
MinkyDinky said:
After going through a massive bottle of solution, eye washes and 7 hours of poking my eyes about we may have a conclusion.... We (as in OH and I) *think* I may have actually taken them out last night.

My friend did this once. She went to A & E in the end as she was really worried only to find out they were already out
You have a dicky tummy and are panicking about getting 'the bug' the night before you go back to work! :-( xx

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Jenna88 said:
Nope not hunger, not even a wee bit! Pure unadulterated greed...granted they did taste fab lol

What did you have?? X

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Not helpful I know haha! Have you tried mikado sticks? They are only half a syn, and really nice, even if you go mad and eat 10 (as I've been known haha!) it's only 5 syns xxx

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Felix said:
DYJHIW you have a mega craving for something sweet and have literally nothing in! I even have the syns spare to use!

Problem solved :)


  • image-703873826.jpg
    834.7 KB · Views: 105
Dyjhiw you make a chocolate cake to rival all chocolate cakes and some of the decorations make it into your mouth.... Actually a lot of them did and you have weigh in tomorrow! Doh! Even though I know I put on but hey ho!

X Kelly X said:
Dyjhiw you make a chocolate cake to rival all chocolate cakes and some of the decorations make it into your mouth.... Actually a lot of them did and you have weigh in tomorrow! Doh! Even though I know I put on but hey ho!

<img src=""/>

That looks so good!!!