Don't you just hate it when....

parfittaroles said:
When you lose your engagement ring :( so upset!

Oh no! Really hope it turns up soon! X
DYJHIW you open doors for people and they don't say thank you!!! Grrrrrr :(

This really irritates me, so I say top of my voice 'you're welcome', grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

When you lose your engagement ring :( so upset!

Noooooooooooooooo, hope it turns up soon, do you take it off in the shower/washing up/any other reason?
Happy Holidays said:
This really irritates me, so I say top of my voice 'you're welcome', grrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Noooooooooooooooo, hope it turns up soon, do you take it off in the shower/washing up/any other reason?

I do, but I was wearing my wedding ring when I noticed and I always take them both off if I'm doing something :(
DYJHIW you're off tomorrow (all week actually...clearly that's not the part I hate) and the electric is being turned off from 9am and could be as late as 7.30pm before it's turned on again. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO LIVE???

Have a hospital appointment in the morning, planning on going to the gym after that and am trying to rope my friend in to going for a walk in the afternoon but she hasn't wb yet agh! It's also going to make cooking fun.
DYJHIW you open doors for people and they don't say thank you!!! Grrrrrr :(

Or the woman who you opened it for, gives you one of those looks? I can't help how I was brought up?

don't you just hate old people and their lack of bloody manners

Worked this one out a long time ago, manners are inversley proportional to age! Young people by and large are quite polite, whereas pensioners are awful? Now it's a bit out on a limb so I'll add that it's in my own experience? I try to avoid shops on pension day? And I understand people getting grumpy in old age, only need to look in the mirror? and I'm not a potential politician? lol

When you lose your engagement ring :( so upset!

I know the feeling, I lost my wedding ring on a beach in Crete? That was an interesting phone call? (Only been married 2 months, at the time, 18yrs ago)
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Arctic-BNG said:
I know the feeling, I lost my wedding ring on a beach in Crete? That was an interesting phone call? (Only been married 2 months)

I've only been married two months so thank goodness I didn't lose my wedding ring too! That would have been even harder to explain to him!
(DYJLIW your loosing weight)

BUT DYJHIW your wedding ring an engagement ring are to big Im going to have to stop wearing until there resized


DYJHIW your writing this an my son throws the remote on my head an hurt like a ***** mainly from making me jump!! Ouch!
ScarlettStar86 said:
You lose the rational, in the zone part of you and she is replaces by a human waste disposal unit! Can't stop eating crap today! :(

Wow Jess I was just saying the same to my OH last night about my rings becoming to big ( in the hope he would say well xmas is coming ) but, all he said was can you not put them on another finger or a chain around your neck duh

Just lately I have found mine in the sink after washing up, and when I go shopping my wedding ring has actually slipped of my finger when looking at stuff in the freezers . I will have to be real careful
DYJHIW you wake up with a pain in the neck - and its not your OH - I woke this morning with a pain just under my chin and its spreading up into my ear :( its bloody painful - gawd knows what it is
....when the pain in your back and joints are awful :( the bottom of my spine is hot to touch and very tender. That's not right surely?????