Don't you just hate it when....

Arctic-BNG said:
When your swimming and lane ettiquette is non existant from the other pool users!

I have to say I don't understand the lane etiquette! There's never enough room in my local swimming pool and the oldies just glare at me and push me out of the way :(
I have to say I don't understand the lane etiquette! There's never enough room in my local swimming pool and the oldies just glare at me and push me out of the way :(

Swim in the right direction show on boards, if they have them. Let quicker swimmers through, not while on your length, but when you turn? If they have more than one lane available, use the one according to how fast you swim?
DYJHIW you have your second bought of a tummy bug in 9 days!!!? Xxx

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DYJHIW you pick up your college bag, drive to college and discover that half your stuff is missing!! That'll teach me not to check it-altho I've got my pen and calculator so not all bad
DYJHIW you pick up your college bag, drive to college and discover that half your stuff is missing!! That'll teach me not to check it-altho I've got my pen and calculator so not all bad

I HATE when you do stuff like that, I went to the gym the other day and forgot my pendrive that allows me access to the machines grr! V frustrating, thankfully the gym guy gave me a spare to use but it meant the data wasn't recorded on mine :(
Jenna88 said:
I HATE when you do stuff like that, I went to the gym the other day and forgot my pendrive that allows me access to the machines grr! V frustrating, thankfully the gym guy gave me a spare to use but it meant the data wasn't recorded on mine :(

We've got them at our gym too x
DYJHIW you pick up your college bag, drive to college and discover that half your stuff is missing!! That'll teach me not to check it-altho I've got my pen and calculator so not all bad

Is this the course you were trying to get on that clashed with working at the olympics?

Or am I getting confused with someone else?
Arctic-BNG said:
Is this the course you were trying to get on that clashed with working at the olympics?

Or am I getting confused with someone else?

No that was the access to nursing that started in early September! After the way we were ditched by G4S I could have done it anyway! This is the level 3 of the bookkeeping I did last year-just to keep my brain ticking over!
You have to wait for a nurse to ring to see if you're worthy of seeing the dr, and you have a coldsore and you don't even want to get up to go !

Oh and the excruciating pain from yesterday has dissipated and you feel a fraud for taking the day off!
DYJHIW you've flogged your guts out all week...You've stopped in all weekend and not touched a drop of alcohol...You've made healthy choices whilst eating out, and even sent it back when it came not as you asked...You've stuck to plan 100% with every Syn accounted for...It's been the best week you've had since your holidays in September..yet when you step on the scales you've lost 1lb. 1 measly, sodding lb!

Yet last week, I went out drinking all weekend, ate crap all day long on Sunday, was well over my Syns for the week, and I actually lost more. I lost 1.5lb last week! How the hell does this work :(
No that was the access to nursing that started in early September! After the way we were ditched by G4S I could have done it anyway! This is the level 3 of the bookkeeping I did last year-just to keep my brain ticking over!

Just to keep ticking over? LOL

Shame about the nursing though, maybe next year?

DYJHIW you've flogged your guts out all week...You've stopped in all weekend and not touched a drop of alcohol...You've made healthy choices whilst eating out, and even sent it back when it came not as you asked...You've stuck to plan 100% with every Syn accounted for...It's been the best week you've had since your holidays in September..yet when you step on the scales you've lost 1lb. 1 measly, sodding lb!

Yet last week, I went out drinking all weekend, ate crap all day long on Sunday, was well over my Syns for the week, and I actually lost more. I lost 1.5lb last week! How the hell does this work :(

Maybe it'll show next week?
DYJHIW the consultant you saw about your thyroid 6 months ago didn't know what to do with you. He wanted you to see his consultant friend in 6 months as he felt he'd be better equipped to advise.

You get your appointment and wait patiently for 5 months, 3 weeks and 2 days only to get a letter cancelling your appointment with other consultant and to see a diff one as he's now not available this week and fully booked! Bahhhhhhhhhhh.

I bet he's in the Maldives or something!
DYJHIW you get snotty emails at work from some students -_- Is it my fault you're incapable of organising yourself? NO!!