Don't you just hate it when....

Someone's else's status on Facebook says more or less the same thing....along the lines of haha in hospital for morning sickness.....I have to comment saying no its NOT just morning idea why I'm getting so worked up about it really, probably because it was the worst 9 months of my life and were people laughing at me when I didn't go downstairs for weeks, couldn't even keep water down nevermind any food, when I was hospitalised, had to give up work, passed out, didn't leave the house for fear of being sick????? Oh I could go on!!!!

I didn't get it when I was pregnant luckily but I feel for you, I had a go at my boyfriend yesterday because he said ''why are they saying its a rare condition, most women get morning sickness'' so I had to explain to him that yes most women get morning sickness but the fact that she has it so bad she has to be on a drip because she can't keep anything down is rare!
I can't believe people would have been laughing at you, I'm sure people understood, its just easy when its someone in the public eye to assume that they're milking it, which is wrong.
Thank you <3 I wish I felt excited and happy for them. I just don't. And that makes me feel like a right cow :/

I don't either. I couldn't care less if I'm honest. And yes, I am one of those people who heard the headline "Kate Middleton in hospital with severe morning sickness" and thought, "Well I've heard it all now". I just don't understand why people get so excited/emotional for them, I really don't get it. They are no different to any other Tom, Dick or Harry, except that they were born/wed into the royal family.

That's just how I feel anyway, and I know a lot of people will disagree with me. I don't feel like a cow for feeling this way, but if other people would think of me as that, then so be it - everyone is entitled to an opinion.
^^I have to agree with you, I'm happy for them in the same sense I'd be happy for any random person, but that's all they are to me. I do think the press should back off them, I have no problem with them but at the same time I don't want to hear about everytime they nip to the loo ect. On loose women they were saying how great it is and how its a little bit of light in the recession for people who don't have jobs or are struggling.... no offense but them having a baby does nothing to make me feel better about not having a job at the moment...

DYJHIW you have a never ending period that just keeps coming back whenever you think its stopped :( and hearing that Kate Middleton is pregnant does nothing to make it go away?
DYJHIW you get denied another holiday request?

No I do not work for finance, I assist when I'm not busy... But seeing as you got rid of the rest of my department and I am now running it entirely by myself I do not have many dealings with finance because I am swamped with my actual job, so your staff holiday has no bearings to what I want to take.

And no, I currently do not have an 'actual' holiday booked, but seeing as I have had to compromise every holiday request so far this year (even down to only taking 4 half days when my friend flew over from Sweden so as to ensure I was in every day and nothing would get missed) it shouldn't matter whether I do or not.

And YES I really do need the break. I haven't taken a full week off this year due to staff leaving/new starters required training, I am single handedly rolling out a new operations system in the new year up and down the country to all members of staff and end of February was the next available date that doesn't interfere with anything!

Yes finance are having a new system implemented also BUT I'M NOT RUDDY FINANCE!!!! And you've said that it may not even happen that week?!

If I was to walk out now you'd be screwed so be a bit nicer to me ok??
I don't either. I couldn't care less if I'm honest. And yes, I am one of those people who heard the headline "Kate Middleton in hospital with severe morning sickness" and thought, "Well I've heard it all now". I just don't understand why people get so excited/emotional for them, I really don't get it. They are no different to any other Tom, Dick or Harry, except that they were born/wed into the royal family.

That's just how I feel anyway, and I know a lot of people will disagree with me. I don't feel like a cow for feeling this way, but if other people would think of me as that, then so be it - everyone is entitled to an opinion.

I think I just feel guilty because tbh I am horribly jealous of anyone who is pregnant right now and I really wish I didn't feel like that. I've always prided myself on being the kind of person who isn't bitter or jealous but TTC had turned me into a monster. I'm certainly not thinking that anyone else should feel guilty for not being interested in what the royals are up to ;) x
When you have 2 thank you cards to write & you're really struggling to put into words exactly what you want to say :(
DYJHIW - you go for an Italians after work, you come home and hubby is laid spreadeagled on the sofa snoring his head off and the footie is on, you go to change the channel and he says "oi i was watching that" arghhhh good company he is
DYJHIW you do some sneaky online shopping for OH's present and everything you looked at/ordered is now coming up in the scrolling adverts on any websites you look at - including Minimins. Is there a way I can stop this? The element of surprise is now well and truly gone!