Don't you just hate it when....

... When your OH still isn't home at nearly 3am... His words were 'I'll get a taxi back about midnight'... Grr! X

He's back.... And he's actually listened to what I said earlier about not cooking when he got in... He stayed downstairs for 10 mins or so, then I've just heard him come up and get into bed, lights off and everything.! .. Either he's not that drunk, or too drunk to do anything..... I should have set his alarm for 6 am pmsl xx
... When the 3 bites on your leg have now turned into what looks like one HUGE one! It's red hot to touch and so swollen :-( and omg so sore :-( think I'll have to pop to the chemist today while I'm out x
Yep antihistamine cream should help.
you know you cant do this journey alone or at home but cant really afford the classes either but need the support from group - if that makes sense
Dyjhiw you are using the toilet and notice a spider on your leg which makes you jump up and jump about but you hadn't finished weeing!

Awwww Emsie, I hate spiders and we're getting massive ones at the mo!

My friend got up this morning and opened her curtains to find this!

Ahhhh I hate spiders. I think once autumn starts they seem to be everywhere! Killed one near my shoe rack this morning. Shoes are the best defence. :p