Don't you just love it when...

Haha we might end up at yours with me navigating!
It's rather isolated, which is why we're taking our walking boots!
When you open a can of diet pop & seriously struggle to drink it! This is awesome coz I actually have a bit of an addiction to fizzy energy drinks (I know it's not good) & I don't seem to be able to stomach it :)
Further to

DYJHIW - your old and well worn car is not worth MOTing, so you end up borrowing some money to find a "new" (used) one. You decide in the interests of economy to go for something smaller, with a small engine, and petrol not diesel. You hunt and hunt and hunt and eventually find the right car. Hurray! Its smaller, so its in the lower tax band for engine size, and a smaller engine size means cheaper insurance! Except it doesnt. We have moved. Same postcode, but sufficiently far enough to warrant them wanting £160 off me next month to pay off the policy. Which on top of the repayments I have to start making on the car, will pretty much wipe us completely out, and effectively removes the benefit of the cheaper tax for the next two years.

But DYJLIW you ring up to get quotes on the car you are scrapping and the guy who is coming to see it and probably take it away quotes you MORE than the extra insurance to do so? He may well lower his offer when he sees it, hes coming in about half an hour, but if he doesnt, then WOOHOO! A couple of years ago, you almost had to pay scrappies to take your car away, now they are fighting over them!!!
Malc-D said:
DYJLIW you now have the A-Team theme in your head and can't get rid of it lol

Errr no.... But thanks for that!!!
Derderder der der der deeer, der der der der, der de der der der.
Malc-D said:
DYJLIW you now have the A-Team theme in your head and can't get rid of it lol

Lol! Sorry about that, the A team were awesome though x
DYJLIW your friends tell you to go to amazon & read the reviews on Veet for Men hair removal cream. As a result you spend nearly an hour wetting yourself laughing. Not good for porductivity, but very good for the soul.
kingleds said:
DYJLIW your friends tell you to go to amazon & read the reviews on Veet for Men hair removal cream. As a result you spend nearly an hour wetting yourself laughing. Not good for porductivity, but very good for the soul.

Oh I know I nearly choked last night!
kingleds said:
DYJLIW your friends tell you to go to amazon & read the reviews on Veet for Men hair removal cream. As a result you spend nearly an hour wetting yourself laughing. Not good for porductivity, but very good for the soul.

Amazing!! I
I'm actually crying! x
kingleds said:
DYJLIW your friends tell you to go to amazon & read the reviews on Veet for Men hair removal cream. As a result you spend nearly an hour wetting yourself laughing. Not good for porductivity, but very good for the soul.

Love it!! :p
Don't you just love it when you try on a pair of jeans that you put away cuz they'd gotten snug and they fit you again.. AND you find a forgotten twenty in the pocket. :p