Don't you just love it when...

.. Looking through old pictures & just realizing how well and far ive come! :) It amazes me how ive done it! More hard work to come though to hit target...
... ive FINALLY finished my cross stitch i started over 2 years ago!! (gets put away for months on end or forgotten about) Very happpppy :D
You forgot you'd ordered these!

I've just got the Asia book and can't decide what to make first! Had the curry heaven one for ages and love it x

You have to try the beef and mushroom.... you will eat it for the next week to come I swear. .. it is that amzing.... I had the mushrooms topped on steak and everything. .lol..!! Xx
When you come on here to say something but end up with ideas from the taste of asia book cause other people have tried it
DYJLIW the day has finally arrived for you to go away for the weekend! Seeing people I've not seen all year, drinking and eating lots and just having a good time :D
Sounds fab! Enjoy! where you off to then? x

The sunny old resort of... Norfolk haha!! Supposed to be p**sing down all weekend but I'm not going to let that get in the way of my fun ;D The house I'm staying in is literally 5 metres across the road from the pub!!