Don't you just love it when...

Oooh and dyjliw your solicitor rung today and an ongoing claim has been settled in your favour today. 5.5k in your favour!!!! X

That's fab I'm hoping to get a similar call soon too! X
Its thursday & the scales are showing a loss, fingers crossed it stays that way
Whoop managed a 2lb loss this morning & done some body magic while tidying up our bedroom - no not that way. Sky engineer is due and the bedroom was a mess
Completely didn't realise its half term next week! Wish I had it off too but at least work will be a bit quieter!

DYJLIW you're having a positive thinking day! Refuse to believe it will be anything other than a good day... Work till 4, Nando's for dinner then out for a couple glasses wine at a posh bar with the girls!