Double down day

Morning up 3lbs this morning but nothing unusual in that for me after an UP, at this point in the week I am 2lbs up on last weeks official weight but I now have 2 DD s left to go before weigh in even though I am doing 2 sets of DD 's I had 3 UPs at the start so my pattern before weigh in will be, UP UP UP DD DD UP DD DD , so 4 UPs and 4 DD's . As its my usual pattern to lose after everyDD (touching wood, fingers crossed and all that !) i should see a loss by official weigh in day on Sat, which BTW is the only weight that counts x

Fri 11 13
Sat ----
Sun ----
Mon 12 2 gain of 3 after 3 UPs
Tues 12 loss of 2 after DD
Weds 11 12 loss of 2 after DD overall loss of 1lb so far
Thurs 12 1 3lb gain after UP usual for me
I did a DDD on Mon/Tues and found it very difficult because the "I can eat tomorrow" thing didn't work. I also had a good weight loss and am now frightened of eating again incase I put the weight on, not sure that this regime will work for me, but am trying it again today/tomorrow because I need a DD tomorrow for WI on Saturday and I want an UP day Sat and Sun because we are going out. Will do a couple of weeks of JUDDD as I know it (alternate day with 2 UPs at weekends) and see what happens and if I am still not losing much, might try Hannata's plan of eating 5pm until 5pm the next day, then fasting from 5pm until 5pm the next day and see if that works better for me....
I found the 2nd DD easier than the 1st , maybe because my stomach had shrunk???? I had the opposite thought to you on my UP day, I knew I HAD to eat or I risked losing water/muscle, I didn't want this to happen so knew it would be important for me to eat well yesterday to prepare me for my 2 DD s , today and tomorrow, I did gain but I know I always gain after an UP so that was not a problem for me personally, I also lose after every DD (well so far anyway fingers crossed) so I know I stand a good chance of a loss this week. But as we have found Linda its a very indivbidual diet and you have to go with what works for you. I have lost 21 lbs so far by doing MWF as DD s so I know that regime works , I am just jiggling things around a biyt because I hit a plateau and as I had been doing the diet for 20 weeks I felt my body was getting a little complacent ;)
For anyone reading this and thinking 2 double DD s and still only looking at a 1or 2 lb loss, thats pants, this week I had 3 UPs in a row then 2 DD 1 UP and then 2 DD s so an equal mix of DD s and UP s. So to be fair this week isn't really a fair representation of what 2 DD s could achieve. My plan is back to normal pattern next week then the following week 2 Double DD s, that way I will have sneaked in 4 DD s 3 UPs , that should give a clearer idea of what can be achieved. I love experimenting , as long as it doesn't involve giving up my beloved weekend UPs lol xx
Been hungry today which isn't usual for me, must be my body working so hard to get rid of my cold germs I am riddled with at the moment :( Nevermind got loads of milk left from my allowance so a few more cuppas and a small bottle of diet coke should get me through till bed x Just hope I am not so hungry tomorrow.
Not hungry at all today thank goodness, I am going to have lunch of melba toast x6 76 cals and a philli portion pot 55 cals and then a Heinz pasta pouch 229 for tea plus my 150 milk allowance so 509 cals .
Todays weigh in 11 13 so back to last weeks weigh in which was my aim so any loss after todays DD will be icing on the cake ;)

Fri 11 13
Sat ----
Sun ----
Mon 12 2 gain of 3 after 3 UPs
Tues 12 loss of 2 after DD
Weds 11 12 loss of 2 after DD overall loss of 1lb so far
Thurs 12 1 3lb gain after UP usual for me
Fri 11 13 2lb loss after DD - back to official weight, lets see what tomorrow brings ?
See, what did I say yesterday :) ur body just does as u tell it Jo. I'm gonna attempt my double down Sunday and Monday as I'm doing two shifts together and eating doesn't eat when I'm at work!
What r the pasta pouches? X
Thanks x. Oh the Pasta pouches are lovely, I think they have been mentioned in the DD ideas thread if not I will put them in , I actually had one on an UP day for lunch and found it really filling, there are a few varieties I think this is the lowest one cal wise which is strange as its a cheesy one, they were in with the soups and beans in my local tesco, def a good DD staple x
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Good luck for your DDD , let me know how you get on, these pouches would be brill for work, microwave and then into a bowl and its normal filling food x
Awww DD's with a hangover are no fun chicks, good luck xx
Okay my plan this week was to 'ringfence' last weeks 2 lb loss as I had 3 planned UP s F,S,S so my week consisted of 4 UPs and 4 DD s(8 days due to last weeks fri weigh in back to my usual sat this week) I was also hoping for a cheeky 1lb loss. So did it work .... YES I am officially 11 11 this morning giving me an official weight loss of 2lbs this week :banana dancer: So so pleased, so double DD s def work for me ! Next week I am doing my normal pattern then the week after I am doing UP,UP,DD,DD,UP,DD,DD so 4 DD s, will post my week on here then .

This weeks weights

Fri 11 13
Sat ----
Sun ----
Mon 12 2 gain of 3 after 3 UPs
Tues 12 loss of 2 after DD
Weds 11 12 loss of 2 after DD overall loss of 1lb so far
Thurs 12 1 3lb gain after UP usual for me

Fri 11 13 2lb loss after DD - back to official weight, lets see what tomorrow brings ?
Sat 11 11 loss of 2lbs after DD x 2 official 2lb loss yay
11.11 what a mystical number! Ha ha. Well done to you Jo. That's just amazing xxx
Aww thanks Allison x
Well done!!! I was looking forward to seeing your results, so pleased for you.

I am doing a second UD today because of plans so I plan on doing two DD tomorrow and Monday so will be thinking of you for support.:) It is difficult but I guess the positive side of two doing two DD's in a row is that the ordinary daily rotation of 1 to 1 seems easier. :)
Obviously its down to the individual and double DD s are not for some however I have found the 2nd easier than the first probably due to a bit of stomach shrinkage and knowing the UP day is only a day away lol x Good luck, let us know how you get on x
Well im able to post using the computer so i guess the problem is with the new iphone uodate. I'm thinking of doing a similar plan to you Jo this week- dd m, t, t, f. I put a lb on this wk! As I've only a few wks till my holis
Glad you can post again Fizzy ;) Good luck with the Double DD s I honestly find them fairly 'easy' with the second being easier than the 1st wasn't even really hungry on my UP day got full really quickly but I made sure I ate well as I had lots of refuelling to do and still had 2 DD s ahead of me, good luk and keep us updated x
I found DDDs quite hard but very doable and showed a really good loss of 2.75lbs in a week of 4 DDs and when I did a DD a couple of weeks ago, I also had a great loss then too. I will definitely incorporate them from time to time - particularly if I've had a small gain (which can happen from time to time when IF) or if I want to break a stall.

There are so many different patterns of IF - I was even considering trying a split week pattern which I have been reading about - 3.5 day fast followed by 3.5 day feed. Need to build up to that mentally though!!

Edited - typo
Well done! I agree that it's easier on the 2nd DD and the stomach shrinkage. I also found this on the first UD after wards. I couldn't eat much at all! Left over half my dinner and its not like me to leave ANYTHING on my plate! :eek: