Got to say I love the quote in your signature. That is soooo how I feel.
K KD Gone fishing 9 August 2006 #1 Got to say I love the quote in your signature. That is soooo how I feel.
DQ Queen of the Damned 9 August 2006 #2 Thanks honey. Got it from my 90 Day Success Journal and thought it would be good to keep reminding myself
Thanks honey. Got it from my 90 Day Success Journal and thought it would be good to keep reminding myself
K KD Gone fishing 9 August 2006 #3 It's a good un. I've certainly learnt from mistakes but sometimes I lose it and I try to live in tomorrow and it becomes too overwhelming and scary. Learning how to relax now and just living for the day The quote reminded me of how important this is so thanks for that
It's a good un. I've certainly learnt from mistakes but sometimes I lose it and I try to live in tomorrow and it becomes too overwhelming and scary. Learning how to relax now and just living for the day The quote reminded me of how important this is so thanks for that
DQ Queen of the Damned 9 August 2006 #4 Anytime mate - I constantly need reminding that tomorrow isn't here so I need to live in today!