Dukan vs all the rest ... peoples average weight loss?

I started Dukan 17 days ago having come straight from WW propoints. In 17 days I have lost 9lbs, I did WW for 6 months and lost 18lbs which doesn't even average out at a pound a week. I think the propoints diet has been specifically formulated for a slow loss so they can take your money for longer as it takes longer to lose the weight. When I am on any kind of weightloss programme I need motivation and half a pound a week doesn't motivate me. I think the reason Dukan is working for me is the strict set of rules, WW was far too lax (eat anything you like as long as you point it) therefore not eliminating bad food choices. With Dukan I think I have found the diet that works for me, I am not craving anything and I am looking forward to continuing the diet longterm;)
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I have to agree - I must have paid hundreds of pounds to WW over the years, I lost a bit, thought I was great, went back to how I ate before and piled the weight back on - then went back to WW.

I think WW has some good messages, you need to watch your portion sizes, plan your meals etc and yes you can have the odd treat. But I really don't think this message is what people take from it, I have heard so many people say "well I can have x y and z from McDonald's cos it's only so many points...." yes but not every day!!! Many people do WW so they can continue eating all of the bad stuff and still lose weight - but the hard truth is that you can't be slim and healthy and have chips every day

I like the rules that I have with Dukan. I'm very much an all-or-nothing girl so this type of diet suits me and I'm getting great results but you need to be dedicated. I get so frustrated with two of my friends who are WW devotees who complain constantly about not losing weight but are first in line in the chippie as soon as the class is over.....