Dukan with a tummy bug


Full Member
Both my children have had a sickness bug and I feel as if I might be coming down with it too.

Do I keep dukaning or not?
(i am not a dr!!)

i would say make sure your keep your fluids up, and continue to eat healthily, if your bug goes on for more than 24 hours, then maybe see your gp

if you are vomoting/diahoreaa (i have NO IDEA how to spell that - but you know what i mean) this is especially important.

eat what you feel you want to be eating, as you will be unlikely to feel like eating crappy food - if you want to eat starchy carby food - then your body is telling you that thats what it needs. listen to your body
The current medical advice to adults with stomach upsets is to drink clear liquids during the early stages (broth or clear soup, water, water + rehydration salts) and then to introduce a selection of the following - low fat milk and yogurt; oatmeal/rice; stewed apple as the symptoms improve.

The milk and yogurt is obviously dukan friendly, as is oatbran porridge. The applesauce provides carbs (which you will need) and pectin (the stuff that makes jam solidify and which soothes the gut).

Then slowly add in the other foods of your normal diet - I suggest you stay pv until you feel well again.
Thank you all. I am not being sick yet but I feel very yucky. Havw just had my porridge so hopefully that will help settle it.
Yes I am sure they will. I am full of a cold (as are they) so I have decided to folloe the slimming world red plan (a bit like conso) for a few days and see how I go.

Can't wait for Zumba next week. Will be raring to go!