Dukanista's Diary: Part III!

Mwwwah to all of you, my morning angels! Gorgeous day to forget the scales and cycle to work :)
Ooh, been meaning to tell you - I found new flavours of shirataki noodles the other day. Pumpkin, carrot and spinach. Weird or what? I got pumpkin ones, will report back...


Where, where, where?!! I can't even manage to find the tofu ones :-(
Haha Sara, I think we have different food tastes! I blooming love the noodles, but had to limit them recently cos of extreme budgeting, making them even more of a treat!

Caro, there's a Japanese store on Brewer st, about half way along between Regent and Wardour St, on left hand side if coming from Regent st. Sells all sorts of shirataki noodles plus v cheap tofu if you're that way inclined!

Now, what do you mean by tofu noodles? What's the difference? Jx
In fact, Sara, I think you may already have commented on my and Caro's 'weird' food tastes way back when. It's all relative dear girl!!;)
PS And anyway, what could possibly be considered weird about noodles made from yam flour that contain no cals or carbs and smell like fish when you take them out of the wrapper?
Hey, who are you calling weird? :)

I had quorn bolognese for dinner (the last of the freezer batch that tastes like old shoelaces) and found myself looking at it and thinking 'none of this stuff is real food'!! I think that's why I went over to paleo last time: eating anything you can catch or forage for sounds much more appealing that some of the non-foods we put up with on dukan!

I went out for lunch today thinking it was pp again, and then remembered it was pv. Score! Made myself a huge chicken salad from the supermarket and washed it down with... wait for it... soya yoghurt. Hmm. Not sure that will be on the menu again! Although I've enjoyed some tofu puddings in the past. Might just be the brand.

And in today's news, my bum seems to be disappearing! A few weeks ago there were multiple layers of padding, and now my cycling pants are nice and smooth! Whether its the cycling or the squats - or both - it's definitely motivating me to keep up the exercise.
Joodle the tofu noodles - or protein noodles - are a mix of tofu and konjac, still no carbs but slightly more calories. I haven't found any yet, though, but I think barenaked noodles is producing a version.

Thanks for the shopping tip - I'll check it out!
I totally understand your thoughts about real food and eating the fake stuff. And oddly, when I look at recipes, paleo seems so nice. Eating real food and getting away from, not just the over-processed, but the fake stuff is really looking good. Dukan has definitely shown me what I need to focus on for eating, but after cruise and conso, I'm going to work hard on eating real foods.

Congrats on the biking pants fitting better! Fantastic job! It's always nice to see a better butt, isn't it?
Yes, paleo is nice, and not too far from dukan really. And it makes more logical sense than any other eating plan I've ever followed I.e. that our bodies are designed for hunting and gathering and expending energy to catch or find our food. Agriculture might have done a lot for civilisation, but it's also where things went pear-shaped - in so many ways!
I'm calling the pair of us weird, me darlin'!

So I don't get it with the tofu noodles? Do they taste different? More protein? What's the benefit?

And yes, agree that some of the Dukan stuff is a little spooky especially sweetener and flavourings. I see quorn as low fat veggie junk food - definitely better than processed meat but still not entirely wholesome. Is there a big difference between Dukan conso/maintenance and paleo would you say?

One of Andrew Marr's programmes looked at civilisations and apparently evidence of tooth decay only started at the same time as the growing of grain. Find it all fascinating and guess it's no surprise we feel better when we eat in a way closer to how our ancestors did.

Not sure what's the point either, J... I think they taste better, and have some actual nutritional value :) I think there are also egg tofu ones around too.
Hmm, I never did full-on paleo, more of a dukan / paleo / primal DIY plan - but I agree they are very similar. My maintenance plan was pretty much PV plus fruit and nuts, no carbs, and having an occasional dessert or chocolate bar. I started drinking again too, just my normal which was not much to start.

dukan seems to ease you back onto the naughty stuff like cheese and carbs, whereas with paleo they don't believe in those foods at all.

Paleo doesn't really allow dairy (adult humans are 'not designed to eat milk products'), and soy is also out as a cultivated crop (and for a bunch of other reasons).

And paleo outlaws sugar, which is my big weakness :-( but fats are in, and some fruit is fine.

BUT there are many paleo followers who don't go the whole hog, and try to be strict most of the time and then have a couple of more relaxed days. Which is all we can hope for with most diets, I guess!
Yeah, I can totally see the benefits of paleo, I guess the key is to find the balance that gives you as nutritious a diet as possible but one that you can also bear to stick to. I'd be miserable without cheese!!

Gonna look out for tofu noodles - wondering if I've ever bought then without realising before...

Damn... Reading up on paleo again makes me want to switch over :)

I'm experiencing a frustrating lack of progress after 3-4 weeks of dukanning: lost 1.5kg in first week but nothing since, and in fact I'm up to 57 again this week (started on 57.7k).

I can kind of live with that if it's muscle and exercise related (since I am losing centimeters), but now another side-effect has popped up. Last year I was experiencing quite irregular periods (although I've been on the pill for years and am generally like clockwork). I never really connected it with dukan, but just this month I realized that I've been back to normal this year (which is coincidentally the same time I stopped dukanning). Until this month, a few weeks after I got back on dukan.

I've seen a few threads about this here and there, and heard mention of hormonal side effects with low carb diets, as estrogen is stored in fat cells, and hormone levels can increase as you shed fat. Plus I think that meat, dairy and soy products contain a lot of estrogen?

Anyway... If its a gradual adjustment that I have to make as my body composition is changing, I can probably stick it out, but I am thinking of moving to a greater proportion of pv days (I've been doing 4 pp days a week...), which might be better for my system right now. I suspect the higher protein has led to more muscle building than I wanted.

Ok, enough rambling for one post! Hope you're all revving up for the weekend Cxx
I do more PV days than PP days. Weight loss is slow but I think I've added a lot more muscle as clothes are a lot bigger & I feel more firm on the whole.
Congrats on the slimline bum!!
What I like about doing a dukanish diet is that it keeps me away from eating the junk carbs. I'm not really doing dukan as it says in the book but have kind of modified it to fit. I'd like to lose a bit more but if I can maintain until after hols, I'll be very happy.xxx
Thanks china. Last year I stuck it out quite strictly for about 12 weeks to lose 5kg - it took ages! And then switched to a more relaxed version in conso. Glad to know the 'dukanish' approach is working for others :)

Today was not too good for food, but i decided to give myself a bit of freedom. Worked at home and I couldn't stop eating, although it was dukan friendly for the most part.

Decided to go off and buy some biltong - South African dried spicy meat (we can't live without it!) which is fairly lean but not allowed on dukan because of the saltiness. And then while reaching into the freezer after lunch for my fat free frozen yoghurt, my hand found the leftover tub of salted caramel ice cream instead... Less than a cup left and it was just too good to let my husband finish it!

So maybe Fridays are just bad luck for me :)

Anyway, not hugely off the rails but no weighing until next Monday!
Glad to hear you're human Caro!!

Never heard that before about Dukan and irregular periods, will look into it too. What are you thinking about Paleo? You going to give it a go? I do remember your painful journey through the last few pounds last year and it does make me think: are you perhaps slim enough already? Your BMI is low - I'd love to reach that figure...is your body maybe rebelling? Jx
Hi joodle,

That's not really the problem, unfortunately. Bmi means nothing for me, and I can vary up or down a clothing size without changing weight, just according to how much I'm exercising. So the real goal is to be able to ignore the scales and have a more objective measure of where I am, since we all know that the mirror lies :)

Even though I've had very little weight loss this week, my tw clothes are almost fitting again, and so I think I just need to keep doing what I'm doing, a little less strictly, and try to weigh weekly.

I am pretty happy where I am now, though. Cx