Earl Grey tea


Mooshing back
I've never been a drinker of hot drinks but since I started S&S I've found myself drinking tea a lot, because it's a change from water, it fills me up and keeps me warm. I'm so cold!

Anyway I've discovered Earl Grey which is lovely but I realise it has bergamot flavouring in. That's all it says on the pack, ingrediants tea and bergamot flavouring. Does anyone know if this is something we can have? I honestly don't know if that comes from a flower, leaves, fruit, nothing! I think Bergamot is citrus, I used to practice aromatherapy and bergamot smells quite citrus.

Any thoughts?
I've been drinking this daily since Nov 21st, so unless I'm super-unusual, it won't affect your losses!
I've been drinking this daily since Nov 21st, so unless I'm super-unusual, it won't affect your losses!

Thats really good to know, as I know you have had good losses! I can't imagine there can be that much bergamot oil actually in there, just enough for flavour.
Right Moosh. Possibly trace amounts of flavourings rather than the real oil which is super-expensive.
I only ever drink Earl Grey and have had no problems. It's allowed on Lighterlife apparently so there is no reason to suspect it wouldn't be appropriate for S&S.
Me too! I'm never too far away from a nice cup of Earl Grey :)