Eat, Sleep, Weigh, Repeat'

I used one 400g of chopped toms and one 400g tin of kidney beans. Is that about right?
I used 250g of mince. Onion and green pepper
I read that the liquid cannot evaporate so dishes are a bit more runny! I've only used it three times though. I've not stored eating tonight. Space raiders, spoonfuls of nutella. Oops

Work today. Food plan is.
Breakfast - two boiled eggs. One activia yoghurt. I'm sure these are 3 syn's but they were the cheapest in Co op!

Lunch- one wm roll with ham hexb. Banana, tomatoes, melon and a chewy bar 4 syns? Totally forgot

Tea- sausage and buttee bean casserole. 2 syns sausages. 1 syn bbq sauce.
I might do some mash or I may just have it on its own.
Mmm that sounds like one mighty fine food day! :) I really fancy eggs for brekkie now that I've read about them On your and Lils diaries! :) xxx

I have eggs for breakfast most days. Yummy and filling!

Casserole sounds good! Do you have a recipe? I love a cheeky sausage!

I used sausages (obviously!) Butter beans, onion, chopped toms, potatoes, paprika,garlic, bbq sauce. I would of added more veg if we had some. I think that's it! Not had it yet though
Tea- casserole with beetroot

I'm at work tomorrow afternoon. It was meant to be my fast day but I don't think I could fast being at work. I'm around food a lot with kids tea time, snack time etc. And I have to bike 10 miles.
I've worked out tea time will be around 200 cals. Do you think I could do two low cal days instead Thur and Fri. I can't fast Fri or Sat...and I don't think I'd be able to fast Sunday as drinking sat night.

Any ideas or ways around this?
Yeah. I was thinking no Breakfast, lunch to satisfy hunger. A banana at 3 then my tea as late as possible. I may just get away with it!
Need some calorie help...

On a 85g packet of low fat sweet chili noodle. It says per 148g is 154 cals? But mfp days the 85g pack is 300 and something cals. Can somebody help?



