Eating and the Gym



Hope someone can help me here. I go to the gym 3 times a week straight from work (to do a training plan provided by an instructor) I eat lunch about 12:30 and only get to the gym about 5... Should I eat a bit of something before going? and if so what would you suggest?

The reason I'm asking is that a few times when I have been I have felt a little sick and thought that the fact I hadn't eaten for 4.5 hours before starting my work out may be the reason.

Thanks in advance

Lesley :)
im in that same situation, i go straught from work and only have my dinner at 1, in the gym for 4.30.... i carry a snack in my bag to keep me feeling not very hungry but not so hungry i feel sick during a workout :)
It's definitely good to eat something prior to a workout. No closer than 30 minutes, but no further away than 2 hours ideally. I personally have a small bowl of oats with milk and a banana around 1 hour before working out. Just pack something small, it doesn't have to be perfect, just something substantial that will give you some carbs and ideally some protein.
Mid afternoon you want a wholemeal wrap with complex carbs (good carbs) - tomatoes, peppers, cucumber
get to the gym and do 25-30 minutes of weight training concentrating on the chest, back and legs ( a body part per session works best)
then finish off with 30 mins cardio
do that 3 times a week with healthy eating and you will do fine (food as above, fills you up for ages)