Eating does it set you off ...


Silver Member
I have found in the past when I was working full time and at times now. I can have breakfast weetabix banana and milk normally with fruit after that is ok no probs. When I have dinner salad and tuna low fat cottage cheese etc I always choose within plan,sometimes after Ive eaten its like what can i have next so I have yogurt fruit all free.Its like the floodgates have opened and I cant satisfy cravings really weird because if Id done without the dinner I would have been ok.Anyone else have this problem?:D
YES!! I thought it was just me! However, think mine has alot to do with giving up smoking, as I would normally go and have a fag after dinner or if I felt peckish, now just want to stuff my face! Really having to be firm with myself and say enough is enough, YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY!
I gave up smoking in October but Ive had this problem long before that. When I was working I would have sensible healthy lunch then I would get cravings for chocolate biscuits sweets crisps so annoying because im not really that bothered about chocs. It was like body or brain saying right you've had that what else can we have.I really have to fight the cravings and dont always win either. This has caused me problems in my weight loss because I can stick to the plan and enjoy the food I have.:mad: