Eating 'normal'


Full Member
I've had a 4 day break, I'm at the end of 10 weeks and for many reasons (mainly financial) have decided to take my break this week a couple of weeks early.
I'm actually going back on plan tomorrow because I cannot stand eating 'normal' anymore. Even though I'm not technically doing anything wrong I feel utterly gross.
Am I alone in this? I am now slightly scared once I reach my goal about going back to 'normal' eating.

What have you been eating?
I felt like this when I started. I was absolutely terrified of eating "food" again. It was ok though, I did manage to identify an intolerance to what I think is probably gluten, so I avoid this now where I can and it's ok. You will gain your water weight from glycogen refill, up to half a stone (if you had a really high first week loss, you'll probably gain around this amount) but it really is fine to eat food. Stay low carb to start with, then add in different foods, it'll be ok. It's a great time of year for salads, a hot salad with chargrilled veg is lovely - so you can keep your overall calories relatively low and still feel full too.
So glad it's not just me. I didn't even eat anything terrible or even any meals it was mainly things like toast and fruit, but that alone made me feel so full and uncomfortable.
Still dreading re-feed, that'll never change ;) x

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If you follow sns refeed it introduces foods slowly so might help you?