Extra Easy Ee + SF food + fruit and veg phobic OH = help!!

Oh tina, i DO hate that lol! What is it with men who can eat and eat and eat and not gain a pound lol! It makes ya sick! But i know what you mean! I'm quite lucky because my fella is a flight attendant so he's away about 3 days a week... so I can be very good on SW for the other 4 days and have as much veg etc because my mum cooks healthy meals... and then if i stay at his then i still stick to it but just don't seem to have my veg. But i've started taking fruit over with me to snack on so I'm not tempted. And he's even said he will switch to diet coke/diet lemonade LOL i guess it's about compromise!

Thanks for all your help guys....he will eat potatoes,carrots and onions if they are cooked to death and do don't have much vitamin goodness left!!
We used to do the red/ green days but it was getting ridiculous trying to find meals...as he won't have suitable veg on red days he was basically having meat, with a side order of meat!! Green days consisted of pasta, pasta and pasta with a bit of rice thrown in to mix it up a bit!

We find the ee is better for us as atleast I can get some veg in (ive tried and tried to get salad in him but as with fruit he says he feels like his throat is closing up everytime he puts it in his mouth....judging from the fact he's still breathing and not ended up at the Drs I think this is more psychological than him having an allergic reaction - I'm not sounding very sympathetic am I lol) even when cooking stew or something....he insists that only certain veg is used and even then it has to be boiled first despite being in the oven for over an hour!!!!

As we are both shift workers I really don't have time to cook both meals so tend to cater more for him than me....at least we are both having some veg like onions, potatoes, carrots and peppers and when I'm working day shifts I'll take a salad into work so I'm not losing out too much

My main concern was that the food I'm putting into the good wasn't counted and 1/3 of your plate had to be a separate amount....but as that's not the case then I needn't worry too much!!

Cheers guys xx
Seriously hun - if you don't have time to make 2 meals & he's the arkward one why on earth are you catering to him?