Consolidation Eilidh's 285 days of conso!

Zoesastar said:
About the only thing that usually goes through peoples minds about online dating.. Im sure it'l be fine

Haha I've seen ID lol. And they don't get in with a record so think might be ok!
I love the way the girls have you married to this guy already!! And when we met up on our Dukan blind date several of us had been warned the others might be axe-murderers and look what happened to Jo! A & E at 5.30am!

Seriously, my other half wouldn't have been my choice 20 years earlier, but we've now been together 18 years and have 4 kids so something was right. Enjoy dating, and who knows.... X
Steve and i met in 1981,we were just friends for a long time, i was the lead singer in his band! we got together in 1982 and been together ever since, married in 1994. OMG 31 years this year! x
I love these stories!

Had a gala day today as it worked better. Suffice to say mallow biscuits at coffee time, a huge deli sandwich at lunch followed by peanuts and crisps and a lick of the bowl (and a spoon of butter cream) whilst baking may add up to a three course meal? And white chocolate milk

Aiming pp tomorrow and I'll not get to eat my baking!

And I'm now seeing mr Internet not just dating :)
And I'm now seeing mr Internet not just dating :)

ooooh.. a translation please! (Love your three course meal! Just imagine if a restaurant put that one on the menu! Yum!)
Ohhhh things are moving along!!! Your gala sounds right up my street - not that I am jealous of it at all!! All sounds good with you..... Nice reading!
Thank you ladies. I'm being so rubbish at keeping up with diaries I'm very pleased to hear from you on mine!!

Translation was "when you want to be properly with someone but don't know them well enough yet, so you're just seeing them but in reality you only have eyes for one person". His view. Different from the usual "seeing" view of it just being casual and can "see" others too. He's been a proper gent and we're taking things very slowly!

Must admit I enjoyed the gala! Didn't eat a finished cake (saint) so have saved for tomorrow (gala meal tomorrow, having a cake pre pub!)

Today I had poached eggs and bread (less than 60g but 4 slices no crust!) in a cup ie a daddy egg, then cheese, then m and s prawns and lamb in tomato and onion for tea (home made). Dr d says we can have some fattier meats on conso so I thought i'd try!
Well it's taken a weird turn pretty quickly. Since he was home for a weekend any texts are half conversations and just stop suddenly. Really strange. So you'll e having a convo and it'll just stop dead. Think this is a subtle way of telling me he doesn't want to continue tbh. Kinda hurt!
Ouch and strange too - never mind love, move on and leave him at the curb - plenty more fish in the sea and all that! xx
Strange. He's text today and apparently is ill. Think I was probably a bit crabby yesterday! But I'm not expecting anything of this. He's not really making any conversation now so I know it's not going anywhere!

The facebook dress takes help of two to get into it!! X
Fabulous dress, Two to get you into it ...............and come on someone has to say it..............and only one man to get you out of it lol hahahaha sorry Im wicked xxx
Haha sidd you are wicked