Elle is Getting Her Act Together... *again*!

How you feeling today...Elle? Hope you are over that "feeling hungry" bit....ketosis should be kicking in soon....
Ooooofff Bea :-(
Yesterday was aaaaaaaaaaaawful lol
Today I have had a nasty head but I woke up this morning with a fuzzy tongue - which means I should be in ketosis - not really hungry today, lost 4lb (water) already (damn that half-stone pizza lol) so hopefully by tomorrow I should be right on track!
I do want to eat though! I bought some mushrooms in case of emergencies as I know I'll be safe with those!
Love that furry tongue....the fat will start melting away from now.....
Oh yes love that tongue... must remember not to stick it out this evening LOL :jelous:

Well, I have decided at long last that I am going to bite the bullet and have a colonic. Thursday 28th is The Big Day. I shall let you all know how it goes :D

My innards are still nicely bloated even after 5 days of CD. Why on EARTH did I eat that pizza and that tiger bread? Thats certainly a couple of things I will not be eating again once I reach goal. They have really mucked my system up. How can people actually eat that rubbish and not feel like utter poo!?

Though, happily my size 14 jeans are again too big, hurrah, so we're well on our way now. Have to keep hitching them up in the middle of shops, its most embarassing.
Its terrible when your jeans get to big!!! LOL......ahem - the best feeling in the world I think!!!

Hope the dates goes well.....all details wanted!!!
Yes, I have stuck them in a hot wash in the hopes that they will shrink a ibt! Its v annoying - 14 too big, 12 a bit too tight. Doh! Hopefully not for long though :)

Well..... the date went really well! I managed to eat soup, and steamed fish with spring onions and mushrooms, beansprouts and even had a latte, and stayed in ketosis! YAY!! I dont feel guilty about it either which is great. Just back onto SSing again today. I actually told the guy that I was on CD, which he had heard of, and he knew all about ketosis and was really cool about the whole thing - I was VERY impressed! Double YAY!!!
Sounds great...you will be in those size 12s in no time.....

Is there a second date on the cards???
Oooff lets hope so! Want to end up between a 10-12 on the bottom - think I will always be a 12/14 on top lol.

Well, this was the second date, and I think there may be a third! Watch this space ;-)
Oh I see.....deighted the date went well....love that new relationship feeling....its just so fab....amsure he will be back for more "ducatidiva" LOL.....

Funny you should say that about sizes.....I am size 12 on bottom and comfy in Size 14 on top...mega bigger boobs since getting "knocked up" LOL.....really want to fit into my Size 10 jeans by next Xmas and will be happy in a Size 12 top.....

You will get to that size in no time....when next weigh in? I know you used to be Tuesdays?
Elle whens you weigh in....how did it go?

Elle, please could you remind me of the website that you have mentioned before that helps you keep track of your calorie intake? At least im sure thats what you said it was for!

Thanks. You are an inspiration to us all.
Hi all! Sorry to be absent for a few days - I was away for my grandmothers funeral.... back to normal now!

Bea, I have just emailed him saying, 'shall we have a 3rd date then?' LOL, seeing as I have been the instigator so far, and according to another male friend who is shy about dating, they quite like that.... so it seems! I am watching another Westwood dress on ebay but its a bit small so I must keep SSing so I can fit into it for the next date!

My weigh-in is on Thursdays now, so tomorrow morning... however I just weighed this morning and have lost 8lb since starting - hurrah. And that is with a horrendous couple of days behind me - the funeral was REALLY difficult with a lot of absolutely amazing food and me not able to escape out of the room because people kept talking to me. That was awful. So I ended up having some turkey and mushrooms and actually had a couple of glasses of wine, Monday and yesterday. DO NOT DO IT! Seriously, I know its dangerous and silly of me, but circumstances were pretty difficult to say the least. So, as a reward I have a hangover today, and feel like poo, so much so that I have missed my swim this morning. VERY glad to be back to normal now and relieved I havent done much damage.

Lairey its Weight Loss Resources that has the whole kit & caboodle, has great message boards too!
Hi Elle, sorry to hear about your granny. Mine died a couple of weeks ago, but could not make it to the funeral (the other side of the world :( ) It's understandable you gave in to the food, but don't worry, you'll get there, the weight loss on the other hand sounds great, and the situation with the new fella sounds promising too!
Hiya Elle, ditto! I'm fine, though it is disturbing when someone dies, especially as I'm so far away. My granny was nearly 90 after all, but it makes you think what would happen when (touch wood!!!) something else goes wrong with someone else in the family. After all, its not a matter of 'if', but of 'when', as we all are heading that way... erm... sorry to be so philosophical! (and 'obscure' for that matter!).

Anyway, everythings ok this end, I've decided I'm gonna give CD a try but I cannot find a cdc in Leicester! In another forum someone recommended one, so I'll give them a call this weekend, wish me luck!

And how are you? What's happening with the third date? And have you had your weigh in?
Hey Map :) Nothing wrong with being philosophical!

You arent far from me - I am on the edge of Leics. You should really give my CDC a try - Claire Atkinson. She is THE BEST! Seriously, absolutely brilliant (and I have been through 2 CDCs already lol). I saw her this morning and she helped me so much - I have had the week from hell, really have - last night even drank half a bottle of wine, plus some turkey, and only just managed to stop myself eating bread. Claire was just so supportive, and we decided I would be better on 790 at the mo, and see how it goes next week.

Here are her details: landline (evenings and answerphone in the day) 01572 755990 and email [email protected]. She is based in Oakham, so hopefully not too far away from you. But seriously she is worth travelling to - I only wish I had found her right at the start.
Oh, weigh in - yes this mroning, lost 9.5lb in last 10 days despite me trying to wreck things with alcohol and food... so not too unhappy about that!
Thats a fab loss...almost a pound per day!! Wow!!

Sorry to hear about your loss....think you have be allowed a little break out when these things happen....you will be at target soon.