Emergency syn help asap please .....


Full Member
Hi to cut a long story short at a birthday party today had no party food or cake !! But so hungry on the way home so had a chinese ........ I hope this was a good option advice please . I am doing EE so had a portion of soft noodles and a chicken omelette ( no sauce) Please tell me how you would syn this . I asked for very litte oil to be used and dried noodles with kitchen paper before eating. Would i just have to count the syns for the oil used or more ? If so how many syns thankyou so much for your help !!
i think as far as i no you would only have to count to oil but oil is so high like 6 syns a table spoon!!
Next time id ask for your noodles to just be cooked in soy sauce comes out just as nice!!!!
I hope this was of some help x