Emily's Diary - All I want for Xmas is my half stone shiney :D

Don't be too hard on yourself, everyone has their bad days, just get back on the wagon and get your head straight about what you want. If you lose a few pounds before Christmas, that means you won't feel as bad having a few Christmas treats! I hope you feel better soon and good luck getting back on track. :)
Thank you Erin. I would really love to lose a few lbs before Xmas, if I could get my half stone award back that would be nice too :)

I'm still feeling pretty rubbish with this cold which doesn't help matters. I'm back on plan but kind of not, which doesn't really make sense I know, lol. For example yesterday was a red day but I didn't have my two HeBs because I just didn't feel hungry. And extra easy days I probably haven't been eating enough superfree. Hmmm, we will see what happens at weigh in, but after the pretty awful weekend I'm not too hopeful to be honest. I feel like it might even be a gain. :( Will just have to take it on the chin and try and knuckle down for the rest of the time leading up to Xmas. Not going to beat myself up about it tho, but might probably have a few down days.

I just want to lose weight NOW!! :sigh:

Oh and it didn't help my colleague coming in this morning and shouting about how she was really happy because she lost another 5lbs this week on the Cambridge diet. Grrr :mad:
I suggest if the cold is making you feel bad then cook up some lovely syn free meals/snacks! Go for the SW chips/soup/jacketpotato. These will feel like comfort foods and keep you well on your journey, keep drinking plenty of water and you'll easily lose a few lbs for xmas :)
Thank you Kiki, thats a really good idea :) Congrats on your losses, you are doing so well!
Happy December everyone!!

Didn't go to weigh in tonight in the end. Both hubby and I are feeling pretty awful with colds so we just didn't feel up to it today. I did weigh myself this morning though and I had stayed the same, which was ok seeing as I had such a bad weekend.

Still don't really have much of an appetite, but I could easily pick at naughty food. I just want this cold to go away now.
So, I'm doing really badly at the moment. Still ill and have been for the last two weeks now. Getting truly fed up with feeling rough the whole time. I don't have much of an appetite, and the only things I do want to eat are rubbishy junky comfort food. Was hoping that having no appetite would be a good thing and that I would lose loads of weight but this has proved to be false and infact I have stayed pretty much the same, if not gained. :(

I just feel rubbish. I really wanted to try and lose at least another few lbs before xmas but I just don't feel up to it, and there is not much I can do. :( I just feel like giving up and starting afresh in the new year. Not giving up completely, but just like not thinking about it the whole time.
Happy New Year!! Haven't logged in for quite a while, hope you are well, and got rid of your cold! I'll weigh myself on Wednesday to see how much weight I've gained. Honestly... Not looking forward to weighing but I need to get back on the wagon!!
Happy new year Dream and Jane!! Hope you both had fab Christmases.

After a very nice (but disatrous on the SW front) festive period I am back on the wagon as of tomorrow. Went to weigh in tonight and rejoined with a weight of 12st 11.5lbs. So that is a gain of about 5lbs since November/December.

I want to start completely afresh this year, I am determined that 2011 will be the year I finally get to a weight I'm happy with. So I'm going to start a new diary on here. Will post a link in a bit once I have set it up :D