Emily's Journey to a Jawline - including food pics!

Don't worry too much about your bmi. Mine was 37 and 40 with my two pregnancies and it was all fine.

Dd1 was breech so I had to have a c section and i tried for a normal delivery with dd2 but it didn't work out (emergency section). I had no diabetes and two beautiful baby girls 6.15 and 7.14 so not particularly big.

Thanks guys! And thank you for the link Hannah, I do go to a group and my consultant is amazing but unfortunately I couldn't go today! I normally go with my mum, and as she works shifts she had to cancel it today due to a last minute meeting. I did weigh myself at home though and I've put on 2.5lb, which is actually a lot less than I was expecting. I've spoken to my consultant on FB and she said that she'll give me some more info on the SW pregnancy plan next Friday, I think she said about a booklet? Either way, I really appreciate you all helping! :D

Liquoricet, that's really reassuring to hear! Congrats on your two little ones :) I've got absolutely no problems with how the baby is delivered, as long as it's happy and healthy! I've read so many horror stories about being overweight and pregnant, it's awesome to hear that it's not all doom and gloom lol. That's the internet for you!

I'm really trying to enjoy being pregnant, and I'm super happy about it and my family are being really supportive, I just think until I know how far along I am and get some sort of... I don't know... evidence? I just feel like it's all too good to be true. I keep checking my pants every time I go to the toilet expecting my 'star week' to arrive. I'm sure that will pass once I've seen the midwife though, or once I know I'm past 12 weeks. Can't wait for Tuesday to get the ball rolling. :)

Anywho, food today hasn't been too bad. Going to make a thai red curry for my husband and step dad in a minute! Looking forward to it! Hope you're having a lovely V day! x
Woooop! I finally worked out when my last period was today! And luckily, I have a text on my phone to my mum confirming it lol. I've done the due date calculator on the NHS website, and our due date is 2nd October 2014, making me 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant. :) I'm not entirely sure how accurate those calculators are, but I'm sticking with it for now lol. Not sure what foods I'll be having today but will update later. Off into town for a bit to treat myself for not smoking for an entire week! :D
Hi! Just caught up with this all. Wow, such exciting news. Congratulations :)
Hi Just wanted to say hello & see how you're doing x
Hope you're doing ok Emily xxx
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on here so long! Had a bit of a horrible week.

I won't go into tooo much detail but had a bit of bleeding last Sunday, and ended up in hospital having all kinds of tests done! Turns out the bleeding was all fine and everything is just about okay, but I've got another scan on Wednesday as it was a bit too early to see anything last time. I'm quite a bit earlier than I thought I was from my dates, although that makes sense given how irregular my periods normally are! So atm I'm just over 6 weeks along, so it's reeeally early days. Keeping all my fingers and toes crossed that everything is okay on Wednesday!

My diet has almost completely gone out the window. I weighed myself this morning and it showed 13st7lbs! So angry at myself! The worst part is that I can't seem to focus and get back on track. I really don't want to put on any more weight, I just need to pull myself together. My only redeeming quality at the moment is that I've been forcing myself to eat an orange a day for the baby lol... pretty poor attempt at eating healthy!

Hope you're all getting on okay! Hopefully getting back into writing on here will give me a kick up the butt to start eating better again. x
I'm so sorry to hear that, it must have been so frightening. Hopefully everything will be okay now. Don't worry about the diet at the moment, you'll be able to get back to healthy eating once you know everything is all right. Don't add unnecessary stress, just relax and be kind to yourself
I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday x
I'll just repeat what others have said above... don't worry about the diet just now, don't want anything else adding to the stress. I'm sure it'll be much easier to get back on track once Wed is out of the way and you know everything is ok. Hope everything goes well :)

Hope everything goes well x
Thank you all, feeling a bit more positive today! :)

I had my scan on Wednesday, it wasn't really what I was expecting! The scan showed signs of major progress, indicating that everything is fine and on track, but now that there's a fetal pole and embryo (woohoo), they can pretty accurately date it apparently, and the doctor has now said that I'm just a lot earlier along than I though. They've dated me at 5 weeks and 4 days (although it'll be 6 weeks tomorrow!), and that everything is on track according to that dating. I must've just found out incredibly early! I also must have ovulated incredibly late, but I have had irregular periods in the past so anything is possible.

Most important thing is that the baby seems okay for now! I've got yet another scan next Friday, desperately hoping there's a heart beat this time! I'm trying not to worry about it too much though and just relax a bit and focus on eating healthy again. I figure if I eat as much super food as I can between now and next Friday, I can't blame myself if something does go wrong! That and the fact I've been so bloated that I'm starting to look 6 months pregnant as appose to 6 weeks! :eek:

Congrats on getting your new awards Zappacat, especially the body magic ones! That takes some dedication! :D

Hope you're all well! xx
Hi Emily I'm so glad it went well, so happy for you :)
I think you're right that relaxing & eating healthily is absolutely the best thing you can do right now. The bloating will probably settle down too once you're less stressed. xx
Aw thanks. I think that compared to the gold one those two are going to seem easy lol
You ok Em?
Hey! Sorry for not replying for the last couple of weeks. Been a bit of an emotional roller coaster!

Unfortunately, 4 weeks ago we lost the baby at what should have been 7 weeks pregnant. It was pretty horrible, but I'm finally feeling emotionally stable enough to just crack on with getting fit and healthy and looking forward to the future. I went up to 13st12lbs again, which was also pretty horrible! But the last few weeks I've been eating much better and last week my mother and I joined the gym. I weighed myself this morning and was verrry happy to see 12st13lbs on the scales! Woohoo!

I'm no longer doing SW, as we're using the money we would have spent to pay for the gym, but I'm still eating a really well balanced and nutritional diet mixed with plenty of exercise and positive thinking. :)

Some of the food I eat is still pretty SW friendly, so I might continue this going if it's okay with everyone? I know I should really start a new thread in the healthy eating section but I've started so many now that I can't really face doing a new one!

Hope you're all doing well and still shedding pounds! And a massive thank you for being so supportive in the weeks leading up to the MC. :)

Hi Em. So sorry to hear the sad news. Glad you're doing better now and the weight loss seems to be going great! Keeping this thread should be fine. Makes more sense than getting everyone to move over.
Oh you poor poor darling.
So pleased that you've come back to us and very well done on getting focused and fit. And well done for the positive thinking!!!
Lots of love and hugs and can't wait to see some more of your fab dabby doodle recipes!!!
Don't tease us too much if you got 35g of cheese or 2 slices of 800g loaf!!

Take care lovey xxxx