Emma’s Diary - Size 24-12 baby! 8st 0.5lb lost! ** TARGET MEMBER **

Monday 26th May 2014

Todays food...


2x Weetabix (HExB) made with hot water and a splash of milk (1syn) topped with strawberries and blueberries

- Asda Sweet chilli chicken noodle salad (5syns) with grilled chicken breast & cheese (HExA)
- Lemon greek style yogurt topped with strawberries & blueberries

Evening snacks:
- 2x Alpen light bars (HExB)
- Strawberry greek style yogurt

HExA - 30g Cheese
HExB - 2x Weetabix
HExB - 2x Alpen light bars

Daily syns: 6
Weekly syns: 65.5/105
Your foodage looks fab hun :). Good luck for tomorrow, I hope u have another super loss Em's ! :D I've got tomorrow booked as hols, will be weighing next week. Hope u and PS do fab ! xx
Tuesday 27th May 2014

Goooood morning everyone! Happy weigh in day to all us Tuesday weighers :)

I'm not sure what the scales will say tonight, because yet again I've woke up feeling really bloated - Anyway, I've had a good week so I'm not going to stress too much.

I'll update later with the results. Me & Liam are going out for a walk along the shore after WI, it's such a nice day today already so I'm really looking forward to it.

Todays food...



Strawberries, raspberries & blueberries with a lemon greek style yogurt


SW chips, cheese (HEXA), gravy (2syns) & broccoli

Evening snacks:
- 2x Rocky Road Hi-Fi bars (HExB)

HExA - 30g Cheese
HExB - Special K Chewy bar
HExB - 2x Rocky Road Hi-Fi bars

Daily syns: 2
Weekly syns: 67.5/105
Em I wish I lived where you do! The weather here is grey and damp... :(
I'm sure your good work will pay off. You're so close to goal now it must be pretty difficult. How long until holiday now??
Mine is 4 weeks today... WOOP WOOP
Hey Emma, you looked fab in your lovely dress! Well done you, what a great result of hard work. As always, I enjoy reading your food diaries :) I still cannot get my head quite around the green and red days, I have been brought up on EE :D It's only my fourth week and EE has worked well for me (11lb off in 3 weeks whoop!) but I do want to try and mix it up a little.
Must interrogate my group leader to explain it properly, I'm sure I'm just being thick.

Good luck for your weigh in, I have no doubt you have done well!
Best of luck for your weigh in later Emma. Enjoy your walk later on. It is shaping up to be a nice sunny day here today also :)
Good luck for later gorgeous, hope you smash it xxx
So proud of you, incredible! :) enjoy your walk xx
1lb off!!!

10st 10lb - Wowzers!

Really chuffed with that loss, only 2.5lb until target, eeekkkk!!!

Yay ! :D Superwoman ! :superwoman: So happy for you Em's ! You trooper ! Not long to target now, so excited for you :p xx
That's brilliant Emma ,
So pleased for you :)
Wow soooo close x

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Amazing result tonight Emma!! Well done, you are sooo inspiring xxx
Jens - I've just seen on the weather that most of the UK is unfortunate enough to have horrible rain, whereas here in sunny Cumbria it's another gorgeous morning lol. It was 6 weeks on Monday until I go away, we fly on 7th July so technically I've only got 5 more weigh ins until my hols, eekkk! 2.5lb to go aswell!!!

BeeBeeSee - Wow, well done for losing 11lb in 3 weeks, that's great! I still get stuck on Green & Red days, but basically on Green days you don't eat any meat, and on Red days you don't have any starcy foods, such as potatoes, pasta, beans etc :)

Bevvy - Thanks so much, You're not far behind me now! Can't believe you're nearly at your 7 stone award already in so little time. You're an inspiration to me :) xx

Kay - Thank you. You're always so nice, and have lovely things to say :) I can't wait until I'm at target either, whoop whoop!! xx

Von - Thanks very much, it's oh so close, but yet so far lol. I feel like I've been chasing target for ages now, need to give myself a kick up the bum, haha xx

xsugarfairyx - Thank you :) xx

NewMe14 - Thank you :) xx

Stevie - Thank you! I know it can be so frustrating but there is definitely light at the end of the 'target tunnel' and I'm starting to see it peaking through lol. Xxx

JMA - Thanks so much :)
Wednesday 28th May 2014

Good morning everyone!

It's another glorious day here in Cumbria, and I'm raring to start another SW week.

I really enjoyed my walk last night, I only went out in a t-shirt and it was still warm at like 9:30pm, I love Summer.

So today I'm going to dodge Step & Tone so that I can spend the night with my sister & neice. We hardly ever get girlie time, so whilst her husband is on night shift we're going to make most of it :)

I've now only got 5 more weigh ins before I go to Majorca on 7th July, and I need to be at target by then. Surely I can lose 2.5lbs in 5 weeks eh?

Anywho, today I'm craving chips cheese & beans, mmmmm! Yesterday it was chips, cheese & gravy, who knows what it'll be tomorrow :giggle: so it's going to be another Green day.

Have a great day all!


Todays food...

2x Weetabix made with hot water & a splash of milk (1syn) topped with banana

Mid-morning snack:
Strawberries, raspberries & blueberries with a lemon greek yogurt

- Homemade vegetable soup (Potatoes, carrots, turnip, green beans, sweetcorn, onion & stock)
- Apple, straberries, raspberries & blueberries with a coconut & vanilla greek style yogurt

SW Chips, cheesy beans (HExA) & salad (Lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes & spring onion)

Evening snacks:
2x Rocky Road Hi-Fi bars (HExB)
Milkybar buttons (5syns)

HExA - 30g Cheese
HExB - 2x Weetabix
HExB - 2x Rocky Road Hi-Fi bars

Daily syns: 6
Weekly syns: 6/105
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