Emma_Lou Red Days :-)


Hey Everyone,

Have been given so much inspiration from people putting their food diaries on here that I decided to do one. I had my first weigh in on Monday where I lost 3lb bringing me down to 12st 3.5lbs. My first mini target is to lose a stone by the time I qualify for my job and to be able to fit in a size smaller uniform. I am 5ft 6 and currently dress size 14 :).

My ultimate goal is to get down to the weight I was happiest at which is 9st 10lb and dress size 8/10. Had a huge binge after weigh in this week that followed on to the next day not sure why :/ so decided writing everything I eat down on here would make me more accountable!!

Today -

Breakfast - 2 x Weetabix (HEB) skimmed milk(HEA) and glass of water.

10 am - banana, coffee with HEA left over milk and mixed fruit salad - melon, pineapple, kiwi and grapes.

Lunch - Tuna mixed with spring onions, tomatoes and cucumber with 2tbps of extra light mayo - 2syns and 4 ryvitas (HEB)

Dinner - Chicken breast with low low cheese spread (HEA) wrapped in bacon with mixed vegetables and aunt Bessie carrot and swede mash - 3syns.

Been so peckish tonight - picked at rest of low low cheese spread which I absolutely adore:rolleyes: and had cup of tea with some stevia to try and get rid of my sweet cravings!!!