End of week 2


Full Member
Afternoon all,

Well, I've just waddled to the pharmacist and back, was dreading it but I'm amazed to find that I've lost a further 3lb. I honestly thought that I would have gained this week. Whilst in hospital they made me eat proper food, then to add insult to injury my TOM decided it would put in an appearance. I wasn't much relishing the thought of heading out anyway, but I genuinely thought I would have gained at least a couple of pounds. It was definitely worth the pain of holding the clips in my belly button for the 100 yards down the road and looking like an old lady with a hernia, haha!

Right, onwards and upwards... I have a friend's wedding on July 7th, I would love to be down to a size 16 by then so that's my next goal. Watching the pounds drop is great, but it's clothes size that is the real measure for me. I wouldn't be that bothered if I were 11 stone but looked good in a size 12, but would be gutted if I were 10 stone and still looked like a blancmange!

How are you all doing?

Jiggerz, that is really good news, well done! I have my first weigh in tomorrow, day 6 and still doing 100% ok! Although, I am slightly getting more stomach rumbles, not sure why this is!!
Thanks Sam, I really am stunned to be honest.

Get more water down you. The slightest hint of a rumble means an extra glass of water or a mint tea for me, stops those noises straight away ;)

Good luck with your weigh in tomorrow, I'll keep an eye out for your update :D

I am drinking so much, was worried I may be 'over watering' myself! Will keep at it though for sure!

And will definately update my progress, fingers crossed!! ;)
well done jiggerz thats fab!!! its good that ur still on track after the hospital and continuing to lose! roll on next week!!!xxx
Crikey Sian 15lbs in Week 1, brilliant!!
thanku julie :) hey 13lb isnt far off ;) well done!! xxx
Thanks Sian, you'll find week 2 a breeze now, and no celebrations to make us all feel jealous either!