Epic Journey

Still been swamped not really been on it, not cause I find it hard because I've been busy and not planned. Although today I put all my water in the fridge and got everything sorted - would be nice to get another stone off in September :)
Well im doing okay, still trying to get back into the swing of things I.really think that September will continue to be really busy :(
Well today has gone okay, not been so rushed at work so managing a nice steady pace rather than a pull out my hair pace haha.

Had 500mls water so far, and in about 30mins going to have my first pack of the day a chocolate shake. I am now officially back in the swing of things weighed myself and I have put on 6lbs in two weeks - which isn't too bad in fact I'm pretty happy with that as I know some of it will be glycogen (sp?) and what not so will come off no bother. I haven't been really greedy and I like that I feel my whole approach to food is changing but nice celebrations kept coming up.

My cousin birthday celebrations, I'm getting more hours in work, Marc and I have now officially started saving for our first home and after Christmas we should be moving from our flat to finally a house with a garden so lots of good news which meant lots of drinks. I kept saying just get back to it and then something nice would happen and I definately do not regret one minute of enjoying all the good news. However today I'm back on it and I know I won't cave because I know I can s&s til the cows come home, all it is - is being hungry for a few days at most and that I know I can do even if it is a bit hard I know that once I'm back in keto it is plain sailing. I don't have any plans until mid October so I plan to stick to it until then, there is a possibility of my sisters 18th at the end of September but for now that is still a just a maybe and depending on what my sister decides I'll decide if I take it off or not. If it's a meal then I'll stay on, if there is drinks I'll come off haha.

So yeah just getting back to it - I was 15.5lbs at my lowest before I came off to enjoy some things and for September all I'm really hoping for is to see the 14lbs. This week I would like to get off as much as the 6lbs that I've put on in the two weeks as I can, if I could get it all off in a week that would be super fab! I know that it might all come off and that would be great.

So today I plan

  • Chocolate Shake
  • Banana Shake
  • Macaroni with 200g mushrooms
  • Vanilla and almond bar

I'm also aiming to drink at least 1 litre of water every day in work as it's a easy to just sip it as I'm working away then it means I don't have squeeze too much water through the rest of the day (I only work 4 hours at the minute btw)

So yeah glad I had a proper minute to post, yay!
Hi Lorna, well done for getting back on track - sounds good that you have a few weeks to really stick to it without any major disruptions!

Congrats on deciding to buy a house as well how exciting :D

Looking forward to hearing how you're getting on X