Exercis part of SW


Better drink that water!
What do you all do?

I see people doing 10,000 steps a day challenge - is this worth it?

After chasing round 2 under 5 yo's all day and house work and chores, I'm shattered. lol
Im pretty disciplined so I do fitness dvd's at home. Davina is brilliant & Ive also recently bought Charlie Brooks which I really like too.

Personally I totally recommend a trampette, they're small & inexpensive & you get really good results from as little as 15/20 mins jogging a day. Plus you can watch the tv while you jog!
I use the gym at work, trampette and wii fit. I also teach jive so usually dance around like a loon with my Daughter as well!
I do yoga and body pump once a week and use my treadmill 3 times a week and walk for about 45 mins most day.

I have two babies under 2 and use exercise as my me time.
I walk my dog and that's it! I'm lazy really, I love exercising but am shattered by the end of the day and can't be bothered. I do walk my dog twice a day and I walk fast and I've noticed a difference in my legs and bum since I've been doing it.
I love running but I'm really a fair weather runner so it isn't going to happen in the next few months.
I have to admit I'm really lazy too, like Jaylou I am knackered at the end of the day. In the summer I will go for a mile to 2 mile walk every night but I don't do much in the winter. I keep promising to do my Davina dvd but thus far haven't managed it (or found the right time of day to do it as my eldest takes the mick if I try to put it on!).
I try to go jogging at least 3 times a week, the route usually takes about 45 minutes. It's hard to keep motivated now that it's getting cold though...