Exercise but dizzy


On a mission
Ok so I want to get back into exercise but am a little scared to as when I bend down I go lightheaded, if I run up the stairs I go lighthead etc. Dare I do any exercise or should I wait a little longer.

I've also got a Powerplate trial booked tomorrow and am wondering whether to leave it another stone longer or not


People often get dizzy when they first go back to/start an exercise programme so it may not be CD.

It's rarely anything of a medical nature/serious and this link explains different causes Do you get dizzy during exercise? | GB Personal Training.

Vibroplate isn't cardiovascular so shouldn't have the same effect. When doing exercise just start of gently for a 5-10 minute warm up and then increase intensity to a comfortable level after that (a guide is that at maximum exertion you should be feel warm and breathless but not so breathless that you wouldn't be able to hold a conversation if someone was beside you talking to you).

If it persists might then be worth a quick check up with your GP to check your BP etc.

Hope that helps?